Hairstyles identified as unacceptable by an administrator on a case-by-case basis are prohibited. 2nd . That said, the safety of our students Slippers, shower shoes, flip flops (regardless of ornamentation level), shoes which restrict a students safe and orderly movement anywhere on campus, and shoes with heels higher than 212 inches are not acceptable. and obtain a visitors badge. capture all clubs, as the options vary from year to year based on student Wells Academy, Dr. Frederick D. Haynes, III Global Preparatory Academy at Paul Quinn College, Dr. Frederick Douglass Todd Sr. Middle School, Dr. Wright L. Lassiter Jr. Office (804) 758-2561, Fax (804)-758-0229, Office Hours: 7:45-4:00 Please access these through the Walker Webpage to be sure you are linked into the correct accounts. St. Clare Walker school. expectations of the National Junior Honor Society may be disciplined by the The belt must go through the belt loops and be buckled at the waist. and respect for students while helping them make a smooth transition from PE lockers are assigned to store items left during the week, but clothing should be taken home to wash weekly. Buckles should be gold or silver. We are We school. averages are reflected on midterm reports and report cards. All 7th and 8th grade students must have a current sports physical on file at the school to participate. If This document reviews current policies and important action steps to keep children safe in Los Angeles Countys 3,040 TK-12 schools. its beginning in 1929. Transportation. Phone 407-858-3210 | Fax 407-858-3218 | EEO Statement There COVID-19 continues to be a major concern across our country. Students will need to bring athletic shoes (no sandals, flip flops, heels or boots allowed in gym) and extra pair of socks. requires assistance in obtaining a gym uniform should contact the school White undershirts may be worn underneath, but they must be tucked in. Students should wear comfortable clothing that allows for independence in the bathroom and is modest during play. Coach, Jameson, Blake - CTE Career Investigations, Thomas, Kellia - Academic Interventionist, Thompson, Christopher - Technology Applications, LEHS Smart Branch is Now Serving the LE Community, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). degrees in Education from Hampton Institute. counselor. Hats, caps, kerchiefs, other head coverings (with the exception of religious head coverings), and sunglasses are not to be worn indoors. For safety reasons, closed-toe shoes with a back, or back strap, must be worn at all times. Garments must fit securely at the waist. Parents will be subject to a health screening and are required to wear face coverings. NOTE CHANGES: The uniform procedures were updated July 31, 2022, 2022 Back-to-School Sales Tax Holiday July 25 August 7, 2022 details. During the 2020-2021 school year and in response to the COVID-19 pandemic visitors are not allowed access to the school building. Repeat violations will be cause for additional consequences. The cuffs of pants should touch the tops of the shoes. Other items may be required by teachers, depending on your students classes. beginning of the year. mature in a protective, trusting, child-centered environment that understands 6 Math 7 PLUS Staff members have identified a set of Skirts and dresses must be no shorter than the length of a standard credit card placed directly above the knee. Meetings can be arranged during teachers planning periods by contacting Ribbons, barrettes, strings, headbands, scrunches/ponytail holders are acceptable. Appointments are All orders will be sent to Walker and you will be notified when to pick up. Walker is looking for an active Parent Club to support our staff after a long absence due to the pandemic. We have carefully created a dress code designed to encourage neatness and personal discipline while making allowances for expressions of individuality and personal taste. What clothes should I shop for this summer? Students will sign a Dress Code Violation Log and the student will return to class as soon as possible to resume instruction. Jerry R. Walker Middle School a NISE STEM Certified Campus District Home Our Schools Congratulations to our December Teachers of the Month: Mrs. Kirby & Mr. Professional dress days are noted on the school calendar and announced well in advance of each occasion. You are NOT required to purchase a uniform shirt with a logo. Walker Middle Magnet opened as an International Studies magnet in the fall of the 2011-2012 school year. School and Program Choices. In addition, because fashions change so quickly, the written dress code guidelines published yearly often cannot address every current fashion trend that may arise in the interim. orderly procedures to make sure we have identified all visitors. with a teacher, please call the school so that we may arrange a conference time maximum potential in all areas of growth. that will not conflict with the teachers scheduled class instruction. Contact us by. The school includes 3 main buildings composed of 11 classrooms each, a shop/homemaking building, gymnasium, multipurpose cafeteria with band room and stage, and boys and girls locker rooms. Solid, grade level color zip up fleece jackets (without hoods) , Solid crew neck sweaters/sweatshirts are allowed (optional) . your childs teachers, we are committed to doing everything we can to help your The conference. Walker Mill Middle School is a uniform school. This is the disclaimer text. 3. 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM Clothing with string or spaghetti straps is not permitted. may be times when visits to classrooms are denied by the office staff after a The Walker School | Middle School Dress Code - The Walker School Middle School Dress Code Dress and Grooming Code It is our intention to provide for all our students an atmosphere that is conducive to learning. No blue jeans are allowed on any day other than special designated days. a problem or conflict of any sort evolves during the school year, a escorted by school staff to their destination. All shorts, skorts, skirts and dresses must not be shorter than the students fingertips when arms are fully extended. not disrupt instruction while visiting the classroom. If Please call the respective agency for more information or questions. The uniform link shuts down at the end of the ordering window to process the orders for delivery, then it will re-open. Office Hours: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM (Monday-Friday) School Hours: 9:30 AM - 3:57 PM (M,T,Th,and F) Reading Each child comes to us at a different stage of growth - socially, emotionally, physically, and intellectually. Outerwear should not cover up the collar of the uniform top and should not be longer than the bottoms. NO HOODIES. If you need assistance with uniforms please contact your grade level administrator. Please Additionally, if you move within the county Grading procedures are determined by Orange County Public Schools. Middle School will provide a caring atmosphere of acceptance, understanding, science, and physical education as essential to the middle school program, we Suitable pants will be worn with a belt. Clare Walker Middle School consistently maintains excellence through a learning Unit Tests, Major Assessments, Major Tasks, Presentations, Final PBAs,Essays, Research Projects/Papers, Mini tasks, Daily Assignments, Purposeful Independent Practice, Quizzes,Quick Writing Assignments, Exit Tickets, Blog Entries, Quick Checks,Individual PBA Components. Short or long sleeved polo shirt in the appropriate color. 3. Dress Code A parent or guardian may request in writing an exemption to the mandatory student uniform policy based on religious or philosophical reasons. If you are interested in serving in this capacity, please call the school. Join our school email news group. Additionally recording (video or audio) of Find It Fast Calendar Event Calendar & Printable Calendar Athletics Walker Middle School Lobo Athletics Menus Daily Menus & Nutritional Information Lobo Hub Staff Resources The health and wellness of students, staff, volunteers and families is our highest priority. All shoes worn must have a back or a back strap to them. Otherwise, a student may choose to wear a collared shirt. There are only a very limited number of cases in the United States, but we can expect the number of domestic cases to increase over coming weeks. What school supplies should I look for this summer? is vital to a successful education. 4. Walker Middle School Learning today. St. Clare Walker has Walker!! Nondiscrimination / Title IX policy here. At this time, the risk of exposure to Westside students, staff and volunteers is extremely limited but caution should, nonetheless, be observed. Our enrollment is 880 students in grades seven through eight. PE uniforms are available for purchase from the Wolverine Warehouse. Daegu Middle/High School, or DMHS, provides educational services for students in grades 9-12 and has an enrollment of 200 students. We challenge each person to do a little more than usual and give more than ever before. Walker Middle School and Salem-Keizer Public Schools promote equal opportunity for all individuals without regard to age, color, disability, marital status, national origin, race, religion or creed, sex or gender, sexual orientation, or veteran status. School Hours: 8:15-3:15 PHILOSOPHY The community of St. Clare Walker Middle School, which includes faculty, administration, and parents, recognizes that every child entrusted to our care is a unique individual. Walker Middle School / E.D. Dress for success at school! Girls may wear dresses that are not strapless, all straps be at least two inches in width, and modestly cut front and back, and the length of skirts and dresses should not be shorter than 3 inches above the knee. This shirt must be tucked in at all times. Hips, midriff, buttocks, lower back, upper thigh and navel will remain covered with clothing whether standing, sitting or bending. Attached is a schedule of available distribution. Each child comes to us at a different stage of other students is not permitted. 79-70 = C. 69-60 = D. 59-0 = F. Individual grading procedures are used at the classroom level. Phone: (757) 565-0373, Williamsburg-James City County Public Schools , Student Clubs, Groups & Activities Handbook, Williamsburg Regional Library Database List. that teacher directly. any student who earns five or more unexcused all-day or majority-day absences teacher should be your first line of communication if you have a question or There could be imposters. 1. pay any remaining fees. Hoodies may not be worn. The school also includes a concrete play area with equipment, grass athletic fields, quarter mile all-weather track and outdoor picnic tables. sincerely encourage parent/guardian visitors to SCW and know that the best We ask that you please do Short or long sleeved polo shirt in the appropriate color. Bottoms:All undergarments must remain fully under appropriate cover or clothing. Students must have participated in the PSAT 8/9 during the 22-23 school year. & Life Readiness Math 8 Math You can also visit our School Store to Purchase WMMS Polos and Fleece. 5) Visitors may not Dress shoes must be worn. Joe Walker Middle School is located in the southwest portion of the Antelope Valley at the intersection of 57th Street West and Avenue L-8. Students violating the dress code will be requested to correct their dress immediately. John Henry St. Clare 150 Amidon Lane, Orlando, FL 32809. adding the grades together and dividing by the total number. Headwear:The wearing of hats, hoods, sweatbands or any headpieces or head coverings such as bandanas, skullcaps, handkerchiefs, headbands, or any scarf or cloth worn about the head and covers the majority of the head will not be permitted inside the school building. The Dress Code Policy is intended to provide guidance so student attire will reflect positively on the student and the school. for student celebrations. Accessories that contain or display provocative or vulgar messages, suggestions, advertisements or logos, sexual innuendo, drugs, drug paraphernalia, alcohol or tobacco products will not be permitted on school property. Every child will receive a STEALTH education at Joe Walker Middle School. This assessment can be Download the Agency Distribution schedule here, For information, resources, and services available in LA COUNTY, please visit. How do I keep up with what is going on at school? A standing ovation to the participants and winners of A. Maceo Walker's Got Talent Competition. WSPLC follows the OCPS student Code of Conduct. (661) 943-3258Fax: (661) 943-9362Attendance: (661) 974-8559, Accredited by the Accrediting Commission for Schools, Western Association of Schools and Colleges, 533 Airport Blvd., Suite 200Burlingame, CA 94010. All sweaters/sweatshirts must be worn over the uniform shirt. other than parents/guardians must be approved by parents/guardians with the 1. Recommend 7 inch inseam for bottoms. I, Exploratory If your family moves outside of the school division, please contact Children should be dressed in comfortable clothes, including closed-toe shoes. Additionally recording (video or audio) of f Child Abuse and Neglect. Actual 4. Welcome to Rodriguez Middle School. The following items are not permitted on campus, or at any school event or activity: 6. Early College High School at El Centro College, A. Maceo Smith New Tech High School at B.F. Darrell, NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING/NOTIFICACIN DE AUDIENCIA PBLICA - Texas Academic Performance Report, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). to a classroom during instructional time, the teacher(s) must be notified of Submit secure, anonymous safety concerns to help someone who may hurt themselves or others. Calendar. Because of this, and the almost infinite variety of available clothing styles, we appreciate parental support and understanding that the faculty must enforce the dress code using the written guidelines together with their adult and professional judgment. NOTE CHANGES: The uniform policy was updated July 31, 2022. students are required to participate in a physical education class. Williamsburg, VA 23188 Email Telephone 434-245-2400 Fax 434-245-2603 Mail 1562 Dairy Road, Charlottesville, VA 22903 You can also visit our School Store to Purchase WMMS Polos and Fleece. You can use this area for legal statements, copyright information, a mission statement, etc. The first day of school for 6th graders will by Tuesday, September 6th. 1st Instance: Student is sent to the office to change and an administrator calls parents. and obtain a visitors badge. Shorts are also available for purchase. Student Resources. Mesh-type shirts or jerseys that expose the chest or midriff also are inappropriate. National Junior Honor Society is the nation's premier organization established can also be arranged through any one of your childs teachers. Have a great day! Included on campus are specialized rooms to accommodate library, computer lab, and Hi Tech Lab. complementing our core curriculum with the exploratory arts program, we will School Improvement Plan 2022-2023 Please view the presentation below and fill out the sign-in form and provide any feedback or questions you may have. At the end you will find resources you can turn to, including where to call, if you want further information or need assistance with COVID-19 prevention or care. Members who do not meet the standards and There should be no rips/holes. effective solution. Socks and rubber-soled shoes are required for participation in gym classes. Khaki uniform pants, shorts, or skirts. The basic guidelines driving our code are that each student's dress and general . All sweaters/sweatshirts must be worn over the uniform polo shirt. 41914 50th Street WestQuartz Hill, CA 93536(661) 722-0716, First Day of School for the 2022/2023School Year is August 3, 2022, Rancho Vista School Parents and Guardians, January 2023, Westside Community and Parents, January 2023, Antelope Valley Emergency Food Assistance. Repeat violations will be cause for additional consequences. Los Angeles County Office of Education News Release, COVID-19 (Coronavirus) and Westside Union School District. PARENTVUE Be sure you have updated your student registration annually on ParentVue. Students will be required to dress down for PE in Walker PE uniform consisting of a green t-shirt and black shorts or leggings. Recognizing the exceptionalism of every child the mission of Westside Union School District is to educate all students to universally high levels of academic competence. Visitors will be and offer a variety of clubs and sports appropriate for middle grades students. No part of any undergarment may be visible. The First place belonged to a rap performance, On A Mission, by eighth graders Willie Reed And Demetrius Swanson. Tips for staying healthy this winter season, Fake fentanyl: What parents and students need to know. We ask our community to continue supporting our school's endeavors and celebrate in our achievements. 2. 800 Karen Blvd Capital Heights, MD 20743 Phone 301-808-4055 . Click here. The first day of school for 7th and 8th graders will be Wednesday, September 7th. Depending on the nature of the trip, students will either wear a Walker shirt, a maroon polo shirt and slacks, or other appropriate clothing as designated by the school to enable chaperones to recognize Walker students in crowded public venues as a safety measure. All students may wear Navy Blue Fleece with the Walker Mill Middle School Logo. We offer students and families in North Dallas a world of opportunities, including STEM, two-way dual language learning and visual and performing arts. Your childs Hairstyles must be within traditional parameters: that is, styles such as spiked hair, hair colored other than natural color (multi- colored or unusual colors) and patterns shaved into the hair are unacceptable. Students should not wear pajamas except for on specially announced occasions. The California School Boards Association Golden Bell Awards reflect the depth and breadth of education programs and governance decisions supporting these programs that are necessary to address students changing needs. 8. that teacher directly. Parents may be allowed with prior approval but will have limited access to the building (such as special education meetings, 504 meetings, pre-scheduled meetings, etc.). Walker Middle School and Salem-Keizer Public Schools promote equal opportunity for all individuals without regard to age, color, disability, marital status, national origin, race, religion or creed, sex or gender, sexual orientation, or veteran status. SY 22-23 School Supply List; 8th Grade Letter; Follow us! Leading tomorrow. E.D. Daegu MHS a Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) school. Mr. Douglas J. Guthrie , Principal's Page; 2021-2022 School Improvement Plan; School Safety; . Nondiscrimination / Title IX policy here. Socks and rubber-soled shoes are required for P. E. Makeup is inappropriate and jewelry should be in moderation. 89-80 = B. adopted Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS). 800 Karen Blvd Capital Heights, MD 20743 Phone 301-808-4055. Wednesday 10:20am 4:00pm. honored to carry on his namesake as we look to instill his passion for Exceptions to the uniform policy for religious practices will be considered. Lafayette High 4460 Longhill Road Williamsburg, VA 23188 Phone: (757) 565-0373 to recognize outstanding middle level students. Walker Mill Middle Faculty 800 Karen Blvd, Capitol Heights, MD 20743 301-808-4055 . other than parents/guardians must be approved by parents/guardians with the Dress Code ; Electronic Devices; Principal's Page. Laws Regarding the Prosecution of Juveniles as Adults, Dual Enrollment, Advanced Placement, Regional Programs. This uniform consists of a maroon polo shirt with a Walker logo; khaki slacks, shorts, skirt or jumper; Maroon Walker sweatshirt or maroon sweater if required by the weather; and maroon, black or white socks/tights. realize his or her potential. Skate tennis shoes and bedroom slippers are unacceptable and not allowed. If unable to do so, the Assistant Principal or designee will authorize the student to call his/her parent/guardian to arrange a change of clothing. 2. Mini skirts, short skirts, short shorts, or form fitting attire that is revealing or disruptive to the learning environment are prohibited. of your childs teachers. ParentVue is where you will also find your students grades, class schedules, and attendance information. All undergarments must remain properly under appropriate cover or clothing. Accessories:Display of bandanas or accessories which identify students with or can be perceived as gang affiliations are not permitted. Failure of a student to Junior Honor Society chapter at St. Clare Walker Middle School expects all Walker Middle School is filled with spirit and pride. We offer students and families in North Dallas a world of opportunities, including STEM, two-way dual language learning and visual and performing arts. school-wide values and behavior expectations to better teach and model Primary School students at The Walker School are expected to follow the Primary School dress code as outlined below. History I U.S. History II Civics and Economics, Grade order to protect the safety of our students and ensure the maximum engagement Walker Administration and Teachers will also send information this way. If you would like to discuss your childs Please check with your childs teacher for extra-curricular club activities for all students. Garments must fit securely at the waist. All appropriate behaviors to our students. Styles of dress and grooming never should be such that they represent a collective or individual protest. Walker Middle School; Water Spring Middle School; Westridge Middle School; Wolf Lake Middle School; Elementary Schools; Aloma Elementary School; . Alarms and other sounds must be silenced during school hours. We believe the importance and value of individual expression can be learned while also recognizing the importance of community standards. Mr. Douglas J. Guthrie , Principal's Page; 2021-2022 School Improvement Plan; School Safety; Tardies; . 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