why baha'i faith is wrong
The Baha'i faith has distinguished itself as a unique world religion because of its size (5 million members), its global scale (236 countries), its practical autonomy from its parent religion of Islam (there is little blurriness between the two), and for its doctrinal uniqueness, being monotheistic yet inclusive. Bahais were encouraged to avoid reading anything they wrote and instructed to entirely shun them. [4][5] These issues may be only marginal to the numerically dominant Bah community outside of Europe and North America. HIs initial contact with Bahais and the Bahai Faith Here is a brief about Awareh. b. Judgement and accusations He has endowed him with mind, or the faculty of reasoning, by the exercise of which he is to investigate and discover the truth, and that which he finds real and true he must accept. Although he considered homosexuality as an "affliction to be overcome," he did not forbid gay people from Leave a comment. Im still just getting started with this blog and will have a lot to add to this posting, but for now, Ill list a few ideas that are coming to mind as I do my research. In the year 1320, at the age of 33 he was introduced to a Bahai book. I do appreciate my involvement as a learning experience, and I like their philosophy that all races are equal and deserving of respect. Founded in the 19th century by a Persian nobleman . I understand that I can withdraw my consent at any time. I had to speak out. (To be fair, however, Bahais often convince themselves that they are true.) The key for any Bahai needs to be reading and reflecting on the Bahai writings and developing a relationship with Bahaullah and Abdul-Baha. Ottoman officials later moved Baha'u'llah to the prison city of Akka in Palestine. I am Gamal Naseer an Egyptian, having 23 years of association with Bahais, a Teacher for long time ,active as a core group member for few years. Abdul Husain Aayati lived amongst the Bahais for 20 years and served them through these years. What a tribalist comments. The official website of the Baha'i Faith is: Sign up for our newsletter and get all our latest content. Apr 2021 . Besides associating with schismatics, or email heresy,a Bahai can attract the attention of Bahai authorities simply for oral statements, or being seen as a charismatic leader. It was during this exile that he publicly announced the establishment of the Baha'i faith. It took several years of seeing the many clear contradictions in the Bahai Faith, the many clear contradictions in the Bahai writings, before I finally began to wake up from my indoctrinated slumber, before I stopped blaming myself for seeing all those clear contractions. He met with some prominent Bahai speakers. The views expressed in our content reflect individual perspectives and do not represent the official views of the Baha'i Faith. For these reasons and others, I became disillusioned and quietly departed. If you, a Baha'i, are right, then I, a Muslim, will experience temporary remoteness from God and eventually, enjoy the all-highest paradise. Bubba was the most enlightened among all. How can they best reach you? In Iran and other parts of the Middle East, Bahs continue to be criticized for breaking with Islam and accused of conspiring with western powers, resulting in intense persecution and the loss of civil rights. Assistant Professor of History and Middle East Studies, Idaho State University. Lovely to read your words Kathy. All religions are equal but only the Bah' Faith is the correct one. I dont think Bahais know who the fraud that Bahaullah actually was how he took what he wanted from Islam and created his own trash which is now known as the Bahai Faith. Abdul-Baha, The Promulgation of Universal Peace, p. 439. For example, they have the principle of the equality of men and women but have different inheritance laws for each and dont allow women on the House of Justice (governing body) and they say they have a principle of the unity of religions but that doesnt mean that they respect people of all religions so much as it means that people of all religions can join Bahai, give up their own religion, and then be united as a Bahai community. It Comes Down to Five Questions Avrel Seale | Jun 25, 2013 A little more than 10 years ago, I decided to become a Baha'i. 9 Taken literally, of course, the biblical prophecies of Christ's return do not fit Baha'u'llah. But all religions, to a certain degree value truth more than good deeds. At the young age of 15 years, he came to Yazd and attended the school of Khan Buzurg. You capitalized, He, for Bahaullah. I saw a lot of those fanatics latched on other spiritual platforms on internet and tried to lure ppl in discussion. It was a momentous event in my life, yet one I did not see coming. You know is easy to say bad things about your religion too and people are saying! The government released Baha'u'llah in 1853, and exiled him to Baghdad, then part of the Ottoman Empire. The Bah Faith is a relatively new religion teaching the essential worth of all religions and the unity of all people . [35], Christian Research Journal, Winter/Spring, 1989, p. 2. "[13], William McElwee Miller (18921993) was a Presbyterian missionary in Iran who published a polemic titled The Baha'i Faith (1974), in which he attacked the religion by promoting the views of individuals opposing Bah leadership. Best wishes, Matthew. The Bah' Faith . [27][31], Denis MacEoin, a scholar who was formerly a Bah, has criticized what he sees as a threat to the impartiality of the academic field of Bb and Bah studies due to the dominance of practising Bahs in the field. Possibly fixed elections since admin people stay the same year after year With social media and many alternate media sources, the truth will always reign supreme. Zackery M. Heern does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organisation that would benefit from this article, and has disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment. p. Tracking people by number a. Secular organizations offer more effective models for world change. [17], Bahu'llh's teachings on the equality of men and women, and that slavery should be banned, were controversial ideas in the nineteenth century Middle East that contributed to attempts to destroy his movement.[16]. We were cautioned to not reveal at first that Bahaullah was a prophet and Bahai a religion but to say that Bahaullah was a social reformer and Bahai a social movement. The Bahi Faith underwent a rapid expansion beginning in the 1960s, and by the early 21st century it had more than 180 national spiritual assemblies (national governing bodies) and several thousand local spiritual assemblies. Universal Compulsory Education 9. Baha'is, for example, embrace interracial marriage and education for girls. Are Baha'is Social Activists? The Orthodox Bah' Faith upholds the original writings of Bah'u'llh, the Founder, and 'Abdu'l-Bah, the Exemplar and appointed interpreter of the Bah' Faith. About a dozen of these have been translated into English and other languages. A quick peek at a bestselling book on spirituality will offer more relatable material. you who attempt to be justified by law; you have fallen from grace. Galatians 5:1,4 Excessive legalism is a sign of a false religion. g. Spy tactics In the West, liberals have criticized the Bah Faith for some of its conservative social practices, notably the prohibition on premarital or homosexual intimacy for Bahs. Christianity teaches that without Christ, all of the elects are spiritually dead in our disobedience and transgressions. The year was AD543. Instead, he joined a new religious movement, started by a young Iranian, known as the Bab. [7][8], The Bah Faith has maintained its unity and avoided serious division, although several attempts have been made to create sects. But it also does not accept good deeds without belief. 48-49. While the 28,000 figure is probably low, the Bahai assumption that there are thousands of people who consider themselves Bahais but have no contact with the community is not realistic. However, I did spend thirteen years in the Bahai community, and watch a lot of people come and go. What I propose to examine here are the possible reasons for that. So true. 1. He was a littrateur, historian, writer, translator, journalist and a great poet. b. How Bahais are trying to capture the MiddleEast.. Filed under Uncategorized, Why I Left Bahai Faith, March 26, 2017 Thats it for now, from my point of view. l. Threatening people who leave the religion (see the last page of the Kitab-i-Iqan), a. After Islamic fundamentalists came to power in Iran in 1979, the 300,000 Bahs there were persecuted by the government. The answer is "No," but this is how strong perceptions are especially on new people we meet, and how clear we Baha'is must be about our dress, and demeanor, to portray the best human qualities we can and to not get attached to outward trappings. This is so obvious to those outside of the faith. The exclusion of same-sex marriage among Bahs has garnered considerable criticism in the Western world, where the Bah teachings on sexuality may appear to be unreasonable, dogmatic, and difficult to apply in Western society. One of the first was when I asked my mother at around the age of 15 why women were not allowed to be members of the Universal House of Justice. Therefore, if the essential and fundamental ordinances of the religions be observed, peace and unity will dawn, and all the differences of sects and denominations will disappear. By clicking "Sign up", I agree to the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use, and consent to receive communications (email, telephone call, or text message) from Bahaiteachings.org about news, events and offers, including via automated technology and/or prerecorded calls or messages to the number and email provided above, even if my number is a mobile number or is currently listed on any state, federal or corporate Do Not Call list. They have been the axis around which religion revolved but now are no longer fruitful; on the contrary, in this day they have become the cause of human degradation and hindrance. Your details have now been sent. This is not love. Its life long.. Due the ignorance many are given misconceptions. This is regrettable. In the year 1313, after his fathers death, he rose to the position of his father on the insistence of the people of Yazd. d. His sons couldnt get along well enough to fulfill his covenant He focused on his own problems calling himself wounded one over 170 times Youre welcome to leave a comment here with other issues in case I didnt touch on what you believe about him. Answer (1 of 5): > According to reports by the NSA, they saw 1,198 enrollments in the year to February 2005, 82 child registrations, 271 withdrawals, and 16 reinstatements; In 2009 there were 2,500 enrollments, 1200 child registrations, 322 withdrawals, and 35 reinstatements; and in 2015 there w. You describe God as a selfish dictator that is all about it, not us. The underlying foundation of the religions is one; there is no intrinsic difference between them. There are abundant stories on the Internet that tell of Bahais leaving after an encounter with a Counselor or Auxiliary Board Member (ABM). This can drive some of the more talented members away from the Faith. [22] Bah scholar Udo Schaefer stated that the legitimization of the death penalty in cases of murder and arson is usually met with disapproval and suspicion in Europe. Bahu'llh's claim of divine revelation is in direct conflict with this common interpretation of Islam. Alcohol can also lead to dementia, with symptoms similar to those of Alzheimer's Disease. All who hold fast to the one reality will be in agreement and unity. Can you please point me in the right direction where it appears so that I can correct it. Even in Persian language, in which the word for God is not "Allah", the Bahais use the word "Allah". From my own experience in bahai religion I can only say that bahai followers are in extremely great pressure to attract new followers. He must not be an imitator or blind follower of any soul. [27] Soon after his resignation, Cole created an email list and website called H-Bahai, which became a repository of both primary source material and critical analysis on the religion. False claim #1: "The Baha'i Faith is a sect of Islam" In fact, the Baha'i Faith is a distinct religion unto itself, recognized as such by the vast majority of the world's nations and scholars. The simple fact is that the Bahai Faith has just done a terrible job in creating a rich and rewarding community life for its members, and many of them drift away for that reason. Mohamed was a final prophet for humanity Baha'i I was raised in a Baptist church as a child and read the Bible. Summed up in Baha'u'llahs words: The Earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens., Copyright 20102023, The Conversation Media Group Ltd. It was only founded a 1844. , So while Bahais have no clergy at all, an elected, God has created in man the power of reason, whereby man is enabled to investigate reality. Many of the Baha'is I know are successful, intelligent, moral people - moreso than the general population - because the Baha'u'llah's writings contribute to the development of morality and critical thinking. One of the primary Bahai principlesthe independent investigation of truthensures that no one becomes or remains a Bahai against their will: God has created in man the power of reason, whereby man is enabled to investigate reality. i. It is becoming popular nowadays and has its origins from the Shi'ite Islam sect. [26], Bahs have been accused, particularly by successive Iranian governments, of being agents or spies of Russia, Britain, the Shah, the United States, and as agents of Zionismeach claim being linked to each regime's relevant enemy and justifying anti-Bah actions. r. The Archives building is a replica of the Parthenon, a temple to a mythological goddess He must not rely implicitly upon the opinion of any man without investigation; nay, each soul must seek intelligently and independently, arriving at a real conclusion and bound only by that reality. [1] Western academics have criticized the requirement for Bahs to seek pre-publication review when publishing on the religion[3] and the exclusion of women from serving on the Universal House of Justice. Persistent, public, and continued violation of one of these laws (for example, drinking alcohol, or cohabitation without marriage) can result in sanctions, most commonly the removal of administrative rights. c. Caused feelings of inadequacy The Baha'i Faith does not accept faith without good deeds. k. Some laws are irrational and some cause extreme emotional pain to those trying to follow them He claimed to be a supreme manifestation of God but his life shows none of the qualities that made Jesus who He was: no miracles, no healings, no love, no gentle compassion, no life sacrifice. The Baha'is are among the most persecuted religious minorities in the world. I thought it would be helpful to give my plotted history of House Price Forums through the ages, as my account differs somewhat from geener's views. It is hardly surprising that some of them decide that theyve made a mistake. In parts 1 & 2 of these articles, lets deal straightforwardly with some of the most obvious untruths: the. I resigned from the Bahai Faith after 45 years of being Bahai. Even the threat of such sanctions can be the cause of disillusionment. "The Bahai Faith was founded by Bahaullah in 19th-century Persia. During my eight years as a Baha'i, though, I never heard anyone express concern over the practice of abortion. [1][2], The criticism and challenges it has faced vary considerably in different regions of the world. i. Loneliness He had at least six children die in early childhood (WWJD? Realistically, however, a religious movement that has been part of the American scene for the last 100 years can hardly continue the claim that it is embryonic. by in Uncategorised category Uncategorised category There are many talented speakers and writers who could produce similar books (Joseph Smith, for example, with his Book of Mormon or Mary Baker Eddy with her Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures and many other writings; the idea that only Bahaullah could do this is just ludicrous) 2( Mohamad a final prophet for humanity His son and successor, Abdu'l-Baha, traveled to Europe and the United States to spread the faith. pros * -Instant community- people are genuinely welcoming and unified in most places of the world. The followers of such splinter groups are shunned and not considered Bahs by the majority. In an era when mega churches that provide something for everyone are all the rage, the Bahais look pretty thin. God has not intended man to imitate blindly his fathers and ancestors. The religion began with considerable controversy. He came from an illustrious family of scholars from Yazd. You can literally have Bahai friends from any place and people who know people will connect you. 2. I was briefly involved with my local Bahai community. While the protesters were united in their hope that the law would not be changed such that it . The faiths fundamental truths simply dont resonate with those who have basic critical thinking skills. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. The fanatics remained. Bah World News Service Bah' International Community, has confiscated properties from Baha'i families. As a reality check against this tricky and wrong contention, this will totally clarify both why the Baha'i Faith is focused in Haifa . The Baha'i Faith is the latest world religion and the second most widespread religion in the world after Christianity. As human we are tribal and have always been. The National Bahai Center in Wilmette, IL claims that there are 140,000 Bahais in the United States. I remain very interested in religions but will never subscribe to one again. Despite the persecution, the Baha'i faith has attracted millions of adherents around the globe for its ability to transcend nationalism, racism and the like. So a person who becomes disillusioned and simply drifts away can remain on the rolls indefinitely. By understanding how things happen, people become more knowledgeable and this goes to show the importance of the harmony between science and religion. How I wish that Bahais would have read their original books and not the trash dished out by the UHJ. Why do you oppose it. Bicentenary Celeberation reveals some shocking info, Some notes on the early relationship of the Bahais with the Zionists, Yemini Bahai accused of spying for Israel. They followed a marketing selling tactic exactly like any pyramid scheme. As a member of Irans nobility, Baha'u'llah was offered a government position. Leave a comment. These appointed officials have the responsibility for the protection and propagation of the Faith. All done! e. His descendants were thrown out of the main sect of the religion (excessive family disunity), a. Beliefs, ideas and rituals of the Baha'is: 1 - Belief that Allaah is incarnated in some of His creation, and that Allaah was incarnated in al-Baab and al-Baha'. 3( buddha was the most enlightened one among all. The Bah' Faith doesn't single out homosexual behavior like other faiths do, but they do focus on sexual behavior being restricted to the bonds of marriage. This I cannot accept. f. World government is a bad idea u. Shaming people who make mistakes He came in contact with members of the Bahai Faith and even stayed in those areas which were largely occupied by Bahais. And then there was always the pressure of the Five Year Plan. He must not be an imitator or blind follower of any soul. , Baha'i World Center in Haifa, Israel, which is at bahai.us, under the topic of bahai-teachings-homosexuality, Be generous in prosperity, and thankful in adversi, Since Bahais dont take part in partisan poli, When calamity striketh, be ye patient and composed, When I first learned about the Bahai Faith year, Be unjust to no man, and show all meekness to all, Accustom your children to hardship the B, Bahaullahs revelatory experience in the B, 6 Common Misconceptions about the Bahai Faith, Eco-Caskets: The Spiritual How - and Why - of Green Burials, Dr. Anthony Lee and the Excavation of Buried Racial Narratives. Subsequent public protests and mob violence claimed the lives of thousands of his followers. May 13, 2018 A fundamental tenet of the Baha'i Faith is the common foundation of all the world's religions. The Baha'i Faith provides the means for peace and tranquility through a progressive set of social teachings: Alcohol use can cause alcohol-related psychosis (delusions and hallucinations , paranoia etc), and can also increase relapse frequency and severity for those suffering from schizophrenia. Hypocrisy & members in denial about that That fact also can come as a shock to a new convert, and perhaps cause them to leave. Shoghi did not nominate any successor after him because of which many divisions occurred in Bahai faith. 4. I attended, we only discussed the societal potential of young people and by the end of the day some older youth I met had already signed me up to start the Ruhi Institute books despite the fact that Id never heard of them and they didnt show them to us or tell us what they were about. As part of its crackdown on the followers of the Bab, the Iranian government incarcerated Baha'u'llah. To know god lives, to love and serve him by serving one another in unity and love.a perfect golden rule. This is circular reasoning. Attempts to make other religions fit the Bahai paradigm Bah'u'llh Exploring Thematic Areas This area of the website aims to organize a selection of central Bah' beliefs into a few thematic areas. Read more of this post, Filed under Why I Left Bahai Faith The religion's governing institution is the elected Universal House of Justice, whose membership is male-only. Is what we have been fought by tradition and culture through our parents and our community as we are all tribuilist by nature.. And there is nothing fresh about Bahai writings. It differs from, but may be associated with, excommunication . Besides, followers of Baha'ism are free to choose their own life partners. One thing I love about bahullahs teaching is to investigate for the truth to discover god and to know , love and serve god by serving one and other . This was ruled by Shoghi Effendi, the last appointed head of the religion. Baha'is make a big deal about some aspects of human rights, like racism and sexism. Great subject matter. Message and data rates may apply. Hi, Im new to this but I wanted to speak about my recent experiences with the local Bahai cluster, their activities and how I lost most of my friends after I decided to stop participating in their events. The Baha'i Faith has been at the present time building its World Center on Mt. [27] Central to Cole's complaints is the Bah review process, which requires Bah authors to gain approval before publishing on the religion. In fact, the reality may be even worse than that. We like to destroy one and other for what we know as doctain and only god knows how much has been influenced by men.Every faith has one. Your email address will not be published. Firstly, I wanted to mention that Im an atheist, I always have been and I imagine I always will be. For many, the Baha'i faith is one of the most universal religions. Then shall the religions summon people to the oneness of the world of humanity and to universal justice; then will they proclaim equality of rights and exhort men to virtue and to faith in the loving mercy of God. Now you are angry and feels good to accuse. Proselytization isnt allowed in the Bahai Faith and this was a clear case of proselytization. The community near me had some wonderful gatherings, and I met a variety of interesting, intelligent people from various countries. In a very small community, sometimes just getting together for any activity at all can be difficult. Seriously, it been around for a century at least.. Carmel for about twice the length of the condition of advanced Israel has existed, this work having started in the 1880's s. . No more tribalism but unity in god and faith, unity in nations. I felt like Id walked into a Scientology meeting by mistake. Rob Dalrymple is married to his wife Toni and is the father of four fabulous children, and two grandchildren. 11 Comments. Due to these accusations, people distanced themselves from him due to which he left his birthplace. January 17, 2023 by Henry Karlson. He has endowed him with mind, or the faculty of reasoning, by the exercise of which he is to investigate and discover the truth, and that which he finds real and true he must accept. Although I dislike religion and what my friends did over the past year, I was never traumatised or severely upset by anything that happened and I cant say I dislike any of these friends even if I disagree with them now. why baha'i faith is wrong. The Oneness of Humanity 2. It has been the fastest growing religion in percentage terms since World War II but from a smaller base on initial believers. 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