. . . . . . . . NOTE: Is used when an operating procedure, practice, etc., is essential to highlight. . . . . . . If the gears do not mesh at installation, the wrong PTO has been installed." Don't assume that a PTO intended for a specific purpose will suffice for another. . . . . ALLISON TRANSMISSION DIAGNOSTIC TOOL, 3-4. . SPECIAL ELECTRONIC/ELECTRICAL TOOLS, 2-2. . . Multiple throttle sources can be detected on a single engine start and multiple confidence flags can be set. Failure to do so may. Technicians unsure of making the required tests should ask questions of experienced personnel or find instruction. Furthermore, TID only works when the controller and transmission have the same generation controls. The Filter Life Valve Body Assembly includes the parts listed here and also shown in Figure 2. . 53 A. Fluid Level Reading Procedure. . If all connectors are clean and connected correctly, determine which wires in the chassis harness are indicated by the DTC. . . The TCM may activate the main mod solenoid for improved clutch control and transmission response during other unusual operating situations. . . . . . . . . . . Remember that some problems may be temperature related. . . . . However, even these revolutionary pieces of equipment can have. K1 L. EXTERNALLY-GENERATED ELECTRONIC INTERFERENCE. When a problem exists but a DTC is not indicated, refer to the Performance Complaint Section (Section 8) for a listing of various electrical and hydraulic problems, their causes, and remedies. . . . The TCM uses a single 80-way connector, which is used to receive input from the following: Many harnesses will include a bulkhead fitting to separate cab and chassis components. . . . . . . . . 11 12. Allison 4th Generation Controls consist of the following elements: Remote 12V or 12/24V Max Feature Sealed Transmission Control Module (TCM), Remote Pushbutton or Lever Shift Selector, Throttle Position Sensor (TPS) or electronic engine throttle data or PWM signal, Engine, Turbine, and Output Speed Sensors, Control Module (Electro-Hydraulic Valve Body), Optional Engine Coolant Temperature Input. Strip pushbutton shift selectors are used primarily by non-North American OEMs. . . . . . Owning Continue reading Allison Automatic Transmission Wiring . . . . . . OM History: A historical record of the last 6 resets, including mileage at the time of each reset, may be viewed using the Allison DOC For PCService Tool . Figure 15. However, this manual does provide a starting point from which most problems can be resolved. . . . . Weak trimmer valves and leaking forward clutch seals may cause excessive engine flares. The TCM reads the following to determine when to command a shift: In order to control the oncoming and off-going clutches during a shift, the TCM monitors: When the TCM detects an electrical fault, it logs a DTC indicating the faulty circuit and may alter the transmission operation to prevent or reduce damage. . . . . . . Contact Us +1 443-914-6010. SPEED SENSORS. . . . . . . A full-function shift selector has a MODE button and diagnostic display capability through the dual digit vacuum fluorescent (VF) display. Reset is accomplished by using Allison DOC For PCService Tool. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thus, TID will not allow an Allison 4th Generation TCM to recognize a transmission with WTEC III controls, nor will TID allow a WTEC III ECU to recognize a transmission with Allison 4th Generation Controls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jumper between wires produces. . All Highway Series transmissions are programmed to restrict full operation until specific fluid temperatures are reached. . . . The engine must be compatible with the transmission rating. A.Control System Prognostics Operation and Display. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Locate the appropriate troubleshooting chart and follow the instructions. . Using genuine Muncie repair parts is key to the life of your PTO. . . The appendices are referred to throughout the manual. . . Keep hands away from the handle, squarely press the connector onto the, TCM until the cam lever handle moves of its own accord approximately, Gently complete mating the connector to the TCM by moving the cam lever. Allison HT740 shift problem Mission Statement: Supporting thoughtful exchange of knowledge, values and experience among RV enthusiasts. TCMs are available in both 12V and 12/24V configurations to match the configuration of the vehicle electrical system. 117 C. Throttle Source . . . . . . . . . . . 16. . . . . ELECTRONIC FLUID LEVEL READING (SHIFT SELECTOR) . . The transmission is considered to be overheated when any of the temperatures in Table 32 are exceeded:. . . . . . . . . . Nylon 1150 m/s. . . . Web hino plug and play pto harness for allison transmissions installation operator s manual wiring diagram troubleshooting working through the bugs iii waste advantage. . . . . . . . This feature is not available with 7-speed transmission models. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BASIC KNOWLEDGE REQUIRED. . . . . . . . If the ignition cycle counter completes the 35 cycles before there are three consecutive detections of a retarder, the software will log that there is no retarder and the retarder autodetect logic will stop. . . . . . . . The TCM senses the transmission configuration using TID wire 176. six (6) pushbuttons which are R (Reverse), N (Neutral), D (Drive), (Down), (Up), and MODE. . . . Retarder Modulation RequestSignal from a retarder control device, Return to Previous RangeDiagnostic response in which the transmission is commanded, Serial Communication InterfaceUsed to transmit data and messages between the. . Some are stamped HT740 and some are stamped HT740D. Refer to SIL 16-WT-96 for the correct procedure. . . . . . . The strip pushbutton shift selector does not have a MODE button, diagnostic capability, or adjustable illumination. The service tool manufacturer will furnish instructions for using the tools or equipment. . Typical Allison 4th Generation Shift Selectors, 14. . . . . . The WARNINGS, CAUTIONS, and NOTES in this manual apply only to the Allison transmission and not to other vehicle systems which may interact with the transmission. We make every effort to keep our service information current and accurate. . . . . . . . . . . . Determine if DTCs have set by: Using the shift selector display (see Paragraph. . If resets are restricted to the service tool, the selector will not be able to reset the function. . SCTI recognizes AT, manufacturers, and SCTI part numbers. . . . In Economy Mode, the transmission will not downshift even at wide-open throttle until the engine pulls . . Refer to Section 5-2 for this procedure. . . . Pushbutton and lever shift selectors for the Allison 4th Generation Series are remote mounted from the TCM and communicate to the TCM via the J1939 communications data link. . . . If the pto light in the dash cluster ( has to be the one in the cluster) is on , then the VECU should be getting the " PTO on" signal and operate as per the Pto parameters that were programmed in the VECU ( Vechicle control unit) . . . . . Technicians need to know how to use a digital volt/ohmmeter (DVOM) to make resistance and continuity tests. Posted - 07/31/2008 : 09:53:50 AM . . . . . . NOTE: Most engine upgrades are same type/rating; under normal circumstances there should be no reason to reset the TCM Autoselect. The MODE button is pressed to select a secondary or special operating condition, such as ECONOMY shift schedule. . ELECTRONIC FLUID LEVEL CHECK (ALLISON DOC FOR PCSERVICE TOOL) . Take advantage of our extensive warranty coverage to have your transmissions fixed or replaced with new models. . . . . . . . . . Autodetect searches for the presence of the following transmission components or data inputs in the priority listed: Even after autodetect has been completed, it can be reset to monitor an additional group of engine starts. Hence, the solenoids are referred to as pressure control solenoids (PCS). . . . . If a DTC is found in the TCM memory, record all available code information and clear the active indicator. . (3)Update Application tab, which provides access to a URL containing minor updates for the diagnostic tool to support changes in the various transmission control systems. . . approximately 10 percent or the running clearance exceeds a maximum value, which may indicate a non-wear-related issue. . . . 1.Make sure all connectors are tightly connected and re-test the circuit. . 43, 51. . . . Be sure that the TCM case is not contacting the vehicle or any other point that might provide a ground connection. . . . . Terminals may have been bent or lost the necessary tension to maintain firm contact. . . SHIFT SELECTOR . . . . . . . . . iv, 11. . . . . . Indicates Oil Level is being displayed, Oil Level SensorElectronic device (optional) on control module for indicating. Is your Allison transmission giving you trouble? . . Use this manual as an aid to troubleshooting the Allison 4th Generation Controls. . . . . . . . Locate and repair the damaged portion of the wire. . any latin characters (a-z, A-Z) any numbers (0-9) special characters ("-", "_" and ". Description of the electronic control system components. . . . . Short Between Wires and to Ground. . . . . . Allison Transmission (AT) is responsible for warranty on these parts. . . . . . NOTE: In order to install and run Allison DOC for PCService Tool V7.x.x on Windows Vista, the user must have full administrator privileges and must have the User Acount Control feature turned OFF. Other CMCs can be changed at any time and are not related to autodetect. Stop the vehicle and inspect the cooling system. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cleaner, trapped in the connector can affect the connector seal. . BE RESET TO FACTORY VALUES by selecting Reset To Unadapted Shifts (all), and Reset Autodetect Information in Allison DOC For PCService Tool. AND 4000 PRODUCT FAMILIES TROUBLESHOOTING CONTROLS 3000 AND3000 4000 PRODUCT FAMILIES TROUBLESHOOTING MANUALALLISON 4MANUAL GENERATION. . . . . . . . . . . MGM Transmission, Allison 10-Speed automatic 1 - Included and only available with (L5P) Duramax 6.6L Turbo-Diesel V8 engine. . . . THROTTLE POSITION SENSOR . . . Available with GVWs greater than 19.5K. . . . . . . . When disconnecting a harness connector, be sure the pulling force is applied to the connector itself and. . . Failure to perform maintenance and reset the SERVICE TRANS indicator within a specified period results in the illumination of the CHECK TRANS light and DTC P0897, Transmission Fluid Deteriorated, being set. INPUT FUNCTIONS . . . . . We have PTOs for the Allison 1000, 2000, 3000, and 4000 series and more. . . Allison DOC For PCService Tool shows PS2 PRESSURIZED. . . . . . DIAGNOSTIC CODE LIST AND DESCRIPTION . . . . In initial versions of Allison 4th Generation Controls, wire 176 is connected to high side driver 1 (HSD1), wire 111, in the internal wiring harness. . . . Inspect all connector terminals for damage. Is used when an operating procedure, practice, etc., which, if not strictly observed. If the complaint does not return, leave the original TCM installed. If the light does not come on during engine start, request service immediately. . . . SCTI provides parts to any Allison customer or OEM and is responsible for warranty on these parts. . . With the ignition ON and the engine OFF, shift between, Display the Oil Life Monitor information and press and hold the, Reset by using the specific Action Request in the Allison DOC For, Display the Filter Life Monitor information and press and hold the, Operation of Filter Life Valve and Pressure Switch (PS2), User selected views of multiple transmission parameters, Active and historical diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs), Graphical instrument panel view of transmission parameters, Reprogramming capability (available after satisfying Allison Transmission training certification requirements), Demo Mode which allows the user to practice the program without being connected to a vehicle. . . . . . When SS1 is energized, control main pressure flows to the top of C1 and C2 latch valves. . . . . . . . NVL is, attained by turning D solenoid ON (in addition to E solenoid) and the C4 and C5. . . Use the P/N from your appropriate parts catalog or from Appendix E in this manual. Disconnecting and reconnecting the TCM can often correct faulty wiring harness connections that may have been present. . . The code display procedure will indicate the number of times the DTC has occurred. The display message indicates the operating status of the transmission main filter, based on the measured pressure drop across the filter. . . . . . . Care should be taken when welding on a vehicle equipped with electronic controls. . . . . . . . . . SCTI recognizes AT, manufacturers, and SCTI part numbers. . . . . . . . Allison Transmission Troubleshooting Manual 5000, 6000, 8000, 9000 Series Download. . . . . . . MagiKey is a registered trademark of NEXIQ Technologies, Inc. Teflon is a registered trademark of the DuPont Corporation. Proper service and repair is important to the safe and reliable operation of the equipment. . . . . An OLS will be identified as present and the OLS autodetect logic will stop once it is detected during any single engine start. . . . If the complaint is confirmed. . If resets are restricted to the service tool, the selector will not be able to reset the function. . . . . . . . . . . These warnings and cautions advise against using specific service procedures that can result in personal injury, equipment damage, or cause the equipment to become unsafe. Modulated main pressure results in improved cooler flow and reduced pump losses when throttle position and output speed is low. . . . . . . . . Refer to Section 6, Diagnostic Trouble Codes, for the code clearing procedure. . Be sure the transmission model matches the calibration in the TCM. . If the engine is not supported, the TCM will lock to a non-SEM state. . . Description of diagnostic codes, system responses to faults, and troubleshooting. . . HYDRAULIC OPERATION DURING ELECTRICAL INTERRUPTION, 4-2. . It will be built in-house by General Motors and simply features Allison branding. *NOTE: The first number displayed in the digital display is the highest forward range available and second number is range attained in selected position. . . . . Take time to review the Table of Contents and the manual. New fluid is displayed as 99 percent. . . The TCM (Figure 13) contains the microcomputer which is the brain of the control system. . Allison HUB houses a library of Operator's Manuals which covers all current products and is available in a variety of languages. . . Display the Oil Life Monitor information and press and hold the MODE button of the Allison shift selector for 10 seconds. . . Because of the time lag involved with writing and printing . The lamp strategy for the icon varies, either flashing, or steady, to indicate to the operator which function detected the threshold value was reached. . . . For example, taping a wire that has been rubbing on a frame rail will not correct the problem unless the rubbing contact is eliminated. . . . The . . . . Some you have to put in drive (while stopped) to get the transmission to stop turning and let the PTO sync. . . . . Selecting RESET ADAPTIVE SHIFT PARAMETERS will not reset autodetect logic. Remove the 80-way connector from the suspect TCM; inspect the connector for damaged or bent pins. . Check wiring for damaged/melted wires. . When the C5 clutch is exhausted, as in second through sixth ranges, PS1 verifies the position of the C1 and C2 latch valves. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Take advantage of our extensive warranty coverage to have your transmissions fixed or replaced with new models. . . . DIAGNOSTIC TROUBLE CODE TROUBLESHOOTING, DTC C1312 Retarder Request Sensor Failed Low, DTC C1313 Retarder Request Sensor Failed High, DTC P0122 Pedal Position Sensor Low Voltage, DTC P0123 Pedal Position Sensor High Voltage, DTC P0218 Transmission Fluid Over-Temperature, DTC P0610 TCM Vehicle Options (TransID) Error, DTC P0634 TCM Internal Temperature Too High, DTC P063E Auto Configuration Throttle Input Not Present, DTC P063F Auto Configuration Engine Coolant Temp Input Not Present, DTC P0657 Actuator Supply Voltage 1 (HSD1) Open, DTC P0658 Actuator Supply Voltage 1 (HSD1) Low, DTC P0659 Actuator Supply Voltage 1 (HSD1) High, DTC P0702 Transmission Control System Electrical (TransID), DTC P0703 Brake Switch Circuit Malfunction, DTC P0708 Transmission Range Sensor Circuit High Input, DTC P0711 Transmission Fluid Temperature Sensor Circuit Performance, DTC P0712 Transmission Fluid Temperature Sensor Circuit Low Input, DTC P0713 Transmission Fluid Temperature Sensor Circuit High Input, DTC P0716 Turbine Speed Sensor Circuit Performance, DTC P0717 Turbine Speed Sensor Circuit No Signal, DTC P0721 Output Speed Sensor Circuit Performance, DTC P0722 Output Speed Sensor Circuit No Signal, DTC P0726 Engine Speed Sensor Circuit Performance, DTC P0727 Engine Speed Sensor Circuit No Signal, DTC P0741 Torque Converter Clutch System Stuck Off, DTC P0752 Shift Solenoid 1 (SS1) Valve Performance-Stuck On, DTC P0776 Pressure Control Solenoid 2 Stuck Off, DTC P0777 Pressure Control Solenoid 2 Stuck On, DTC P0796 Pressure Control Solenoid 3 Stuck Off, DTC P0797 Pressure Control Solenoid 3 Stuck On, DTC P0842 Transmission Pressure Switch 1 Circuit Low, DTC P0843 Transmission Pressure Switch 1 Circuit High, DTC P0847 Pressure Switch 2 (PS2) Circuit Low, DTC P0848 Pressure Switch 2 (PS2) Circuit High, DTC P0881 TCM Power Input Signal Performance, DTC P088A Transmission Fluid Filter Deteriorated, DTC P088B Transmission Fluid Filter Very Deteriorated (Expired), DTC P0894 Transmission Component Slipping, DTC P0897 Transmission Fluid Deteriorated, DTC P0960 Pressure Control Solenoid Main Mod Control Circuit Open, DTC P0962 Pressure Control Solenoid Main Mod Control Circuit Low, DTC P0963 Pressure Control Solenoid Main Mod Control Circuit High, DTC P0964 Pressure Control Solenoid 2 (PCS2) Control Circuit Open, DTC P0966 Pressure Control Solenoid 2 (PCS2) Control Circuit Low, DTC P0967 Pressure Control Solenoid 2 (PCS2) Control Circuit High, DTC P0968 Pressure Control Solenoid 3 (PCS3) Control Circuit Open, DTC P0970 Pressure Control Solenoid 3 (PCS3) Control Circuit Low, DTC P0971 Pressure Control Solenoid 3 (PCS3) Control Circuit High, DTC P0973 Shift Solenoid 1 (SS1) Control Circuit Low, DTC P0974 Shift Solenoid 1 (SS1) Control Circuit High, DTC P0975 Shift Solenoid 2 (SS2) Control Circuit Open, DTC P0976 Shift Solenoid 2 (SS2) Control Circuit Low, DTC P0977 Shift Solenoid 2 (SS2) Control Circuit High, DTC P0989 Retarder Pressure Sensor Failed Low, DTC P0990 Retarder Pressure Sensor Failed High, DTC P1891 Throttle Position Sensor PWM Signal Low Input, DTC P1892 Throttle Position Sensor PWM Signal High Input, DTC P2184 Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor Circuit Low Input, DTC P2185 Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor Circuit High Input, DTC P2637 Torque Management Feedback Signal (SEM), DTC P2641 Torque Management Feedback Signal (LRTP), DTC P2669 Actuator Supply Voltage 2 (HSD2) Open, DTC P2670 Actuator Supply Voltage 2 (HSD2) Low, DTC P2671 Actuator Supply Voltage 2 (HSD2) High, DTC P2684 Actuator Supply Voltage 3 (HSD3) Open, DTC P2685 Actuator Supply Voltage 3 (HSD 3) Low, DTC P2686 Actuator Supply Voltage 3 (HSD3) High, DTC P2714 Pressure Control Solenoid 4 (PCS4) Stuck Off, DTC P2715 Pressure Control Solenoid 4 (PCS4) Stuck On, DTC P2718 Pressure Control Solenoid 4 (PCS4) Control Circuit Open, DTC P2720 Pressure Control Solenoid 4 (PCS4) Control Circuit Low, DTC P2721 Pressure Control Solenoid 4 (PCS4) Control Circuit High, DTC P2723 Pressure Control Solenoid 1 (PCS1) Stuck Off, DTC P2724 Pressure Control Solenoid 1 (PCS1) Stuck On, DTC P2727 Pressure Control Solenoid 1 (PCS1) Control Circuit Open, DTC P2729 Pressure Control Solenoid 1 (PCS1) Control Circuit Low, DTC P2730 Pressure Control Solenoid 1 (PCS1) Control Circuit High, DTC P2736 Pressure Control Solenoid 5 (PCS5) Control Circuit Open, DTC P2738 Pressure Control Solenoid 5 (PCS5) Control Circuit Low, DTC P2739 Pressure Control Solenoid 5 (PCS5) Control Circuit High, DTC P2789 Clutch Adaptive Learning at Limit, DTC P2808 Pressure Control Solenoid 6 (PCS6) Stuck Off, DTC P2809 Pressure Control Solenoid 6 (PCS6) Stuck On, DTC P2812 Pressure Control Solenoid 6 (PCS6) Control Circuit Open, DTC P2814 Pressure Control Solenoid 6 (PCS6) Control Circuit Low, DTC P2815 Pressure Control Solenoid 6 (PCS6) Control Circuit High, DTC U0001 Hi Speed CAN Bus Reset Counter Overrun (IESCAN), DTC U0100 Lost Communication with ECM/PCM (J1587), DTC U0103 Lost Communication With Gear Shift Module (Shift Selector) 1, DTC U0115 Lost Communication With ECM/PCM (CAN), DTC U0291 Lost Communication With Gear Shift Module (Shift Selector) 2, DTC U0304 Software Incompatible with Gear Shift Control Module 1, DTC U0333 Software Incompatible with Gear Shift Control Module 1, DTC U0404 Software Incompatible with Gear Shift Control Module 1, DTC U0442 Invalid Data Received from ECM/PCM B (CAN1/J1939), DTC U0592 Software Incompatible with Gear Shift Control Module 1. 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