Grants you the ability to access the PvP Arena. Gourmand [Common Talent] - Your hunger and thirst gain from eating increased. (+7 Carry Load, +2 Elemental Intensity). Essentially, anything in the monster category that is not a Mudskipper or Angel. (+1 Elemental Intensity), Dark Rift [Rare Talent, Shadowcast Exclusive] Enter a rifted state when you successfully dodge, where you can't be damaged until its duration ends. (+2 Passive Agility, +2 Health). Justicar's Renewal [Common Talent] - Hitting an opponent with your Jus Karita critical resets the cooldown. Link Conduction [Common Talent, Thundercall exclusive] - While you have active tethers your lightning mantras cost less ether. Intelligence Unbounded [Common Talent] - You have gained the ability to surpass your limits and train your Intelligence to its fullest. But I'm just a Talent description, I can't stop you. Crit procs are indicated by a red visual effect. (+3 Health, +7 Sanity), Prerequisites: Battle Tendency, 40 Willpower, Charged Return [Common Talent] - Being under an elemental status effect causes your physical attacks to do more damage. You cannot roll Everchanging Aegis with Return to the Dark Ages. Warden's Blades - Creates 4 spinning blades that revolve around you very fast. Detonate crystals on a player when they are guardbroken. Mantra names are auto formatted so that caps are forced at the start of every word and cannot be elsewhere. Replenishing Knockout [Common Talent] - You gain more health and posture when you knock them. (+2 Health), Mantra Permanence [Common Talent, Intelligence] - Knocking an enemy with a mantra refunds the cost of the mantra. (+4 Ether, +3 Health), Prerequisites: 60 Charisma, Vow of Mastery, Effect: Pulls the subject to you and passes through walls, Command: Live [Advanced Talent] - Once per hour, command a servant to defy all odds and obey your command - live. (+3 Elemental Intensity, +10 Ether), Prerequisites: 60 Intelligence, Prediction (Intelligence Mantra), Successive Prediction [Common Talent] - Predicting an attack will briefly allow you to predict another. Undying Flame [Rare Card, Flamecharm Exclusive] - Your flame can be casted in the depths. Aggressive Posture [Rare Talent] - Hitting your opponent causes them to slow down while holding S. (+1 Passive Agility), Old Habits Die Hard [Common Talent] - A blocked attack after a failed parry will cause the attack to deal half posture. (+2 Elemental Intensity), Flaming Flourish [Common Talent , Flamecharm Exclusive] - Set enemies on fire when you flourish them. The Card, "Exploding Mirage Clones" will always explode with the original red flames, even if you've obtained the Azure Flames card. This is a browser function, but all mainstream browsers should have it. Ice no longer affect your movement. Turtle Shell [Common Talent] - If your shield is on your back, take reduced backstab damage and negate Spine Cutter. Full Reset [Common Talent] - Knocking an enemy resets your resonance cooldowns. (+6 Passive Agility), Steady Footing [Common Talent, Agility] - You're much more resistant to being pushed around. The player will say the name of the mantra they cast in a chat bubble. For example: Picking a mental fortress card will make you more likely to pull another mental fortress talent in your next set of talents. Master Frostdrawer [Frostdraw Exclusive] - You can now obtain 3-Star Leveled Frostdraw Mantras. E.G casting Fire Blade will make the player say "Fire Blade!". (+1 Elemental Intensity). Wow, this. Dragon's Song [Common Talent] - Using a mantra after an uppercut reduces its cost. They will ask you to kill "mineskippers". Flame Blind - Blind anyone within a short radius who caught a glimpse of the projectile. (+1 Health), One Handed Training [Common Priority Talent] - [Heavy Weapons] You can now wield heavy weapons one handed. (+4 Elemental Intensity). (+2 Passive Agility, +5 Elemental Intensity), Aeronade [Common Talent, Galebreathe Exclusive] - Your Galetrap automatically detonates on contact with an object. Stormcaller Slash [Common Talent, Thundercall exclusive] - Call forth the fury of storms by pressing F at the end of your move. Shared Misery [Common Talent] - Using a M1/Critical Attack on an enemy while losing sanity causes them to lose sanity. (+5 Elemental Intensity, +3 Health). However, if you pick up the body you gain the speed boost for 20 seconds. Strong Stern [Rare Talent] - The duration you are dazed from wall bangs is cut in half (+3 Health, +9 Carry Load), Prerequisites: 20 Strength, 25 Fortitude, Spine Cutter [Rare Talent] - Hitting an enemy in the back after a roll cancel will initiate a second slash. A chant that steers you into the state of insanity for 20 seconds. Stratos Steps will only proc twice before going on a cooldown. You immediately reach the default PEN cap (50%). (+4 Ether). Spine cutter, engage, critical attack, wind step, any wind step upgrades, observation or safety dance, Arial attack, insta grip talent, flame emperor, flaming flourish, the talent where when you flourish and they're on fire you do an explosion, the talent where if you hit someone with a mantra after a flourish they explode. (+2 Elemental Intesity, +6 Pasive Agility). Agitating Spark [Common Talent] - If you hit an opponent that you've lit on fire, it spreads to yourself. In your attempt to escape visions of horror, having the Blinded talent in The Depths. Ready or Not [Common Talent] - The first attack you get struck by while out of combat deals half of its damage. (+1 Passive Agility). (+1 Passive Agility), Lightspeed Reflexes [Rare Talent, Agility] - Feinting gives a very brief auto-parry window. Knock timer is reduced to 7 seconds instead of the usual 10. Winter's Protection [Common Talent, Equipment Exclusive] - Your tightly-bound winter gear negates elemental damage buffs from weather on damage against you. Effect may inconsistently fail to manifest despite the visual effect. Numbers also cannot be used. Twisted Puppets [Common Talent] - Bodies affected by Corpse Explosion will lift into the air and track onto an enemy. (+2 Ether), Another Man's Trash [Advanced Talent] - Take unequipped equipment when mugging a player. Nepotism sure does pay! Stacks with other means of fall damage reduction. (+6 carry load), Prerequisites: Champion's Whirlthrow, 30 Strength and 50 Galebreathe, Tailwind [Galebreathe Exclusive] - Gain a speed boost after a successful inhale. Medium Weapons Unbounded [Generic Talent] - You have gained the ability to surpass your limits and train your Medium Weapons attribute to its fullest. Potion Quaffer [Rare Talent] You're accustomed to drinking toxic fluids quickly. (15% dmg buff). (+4 Health, +1 Carry Load), Indicated by a gold cell-shade outline on your character, Chaotic Charm [Common Talent, Charisma] - When attacked at low health enemies deal less damage to you and more to anyone else. (+2 Passive Agility, +4 Elemental Intensity, +3 Health), Prerequisites: 25 Agility, 50 Galebreathe, Cyclone Blade [Common Talent] - After a successful Gale Dash you wrap your weapon in wind essence causing your next Light attack to do bleed damage and chip through your opponents block. Fortitude Unbounded [Common Talent] - You have gained the Ability to Surpass your limits and train your fortitude to its fullest. (+3 Health). (+3 Elemental Intensity, +10 Ether), Allows you to reflect the entirety of multi-hit moves (such as enforcer's spin attack), Prerequisite: Prediction (Intelligence Mantra). (+1 Passive Agility), Prerequisites: Unknown amount of Backstabs, Conditioned Runner [Advanced Talent, Agility] - You regenerate health faster than normal when sprinting and under 75% health. Warrior's Respite [Rare Card] - Standing still for 15 seconds increases your health regeneration. TheRealPunchee 38.9K subscribers Join Subscribe 1.7K Share Save 61K views 6 months ago #deepwoken #5998 Why is this talent not used at all? (+4 Ether, +2 Elemental intensity), Prerequisites: 20 Intelligence and 15 Frostdraw, Cool Head [Common Talent, Frostdraw Exclusive] - If set on fire while on ice, immediately put it out and enter a state of chill. Underdog [Common Talent] - You deal slightly more damage to those with higher HP than you. (+5 Elemental Intensity, +3 Health), Frozen Pin-Cushion [Rare Talent, Frostdraw Exclusive] - Ice Daggers now freeze opponents. (+4 Elemental Intensity), Cheap Shot [Rare Talent, Agility] - Your attacks gain 10% PEN when you have an active speed boost. (+4 Elemental Intensity), Lasting Sorrow [Common Talent, Shadowcast Exclusive] - Shadows last longer on your opponent. (+10 Sanity, +1 Posture), Prerequisites: 15 Willpower, 15 Fortitude. Prerequisites: 100 Fortitude, 100 Willpower, Perseverance, Rally [Shield Only] - Absorb incoming posture damage for allies around you - While active your posture, Prerequisite: 10 Fortitude, Using a Shield, Reinforce - Up defense for you and allies around you, Brace - Gain hyperarmor on your attacks for a short duration. There's no shadow that your radiance cannot expunge. (+3 Passive Agility). (+8 Carry Load, +2 Passive Agility, +2 Health), Savior [Common Talent] - After saving a player from being gripped gain a short speed boost for a short duration. (+3 Elemental Intensity, +5 Health), Reverse Gale Kick [Galebreathe Exclusive] - Pressing [F] after hitting an opponent with Wind Rising will cause your follow up kick to impale them to the ground. Oath: Dawnwalker - You vow to forever reach towards the brilliant Light. Deepwoken Race list As this experience is relatively new at the time of this article's publication, the information surrounding Deepwoken's Races is constantly changingthe stats listed below are subject to change as the experience continues to develop. Reduces the likelihood of fishing up trash items such as Seaweed or Leather Boots. Very tight activation window + delayed activation. Lasting Image [Common Talent, Visionshaper Exclusive] - Your illusions last longer. Roll 2 - Receive 2 random Talents that are available to you. The Vesperian Race's Innate talent will only provide 3% resistance instead of the usual 5% when stacked with this talent. All knowing [Rare Talent] - your prediction now ignores the range requirement to reflect attacks. Jumper Cables [Common Talent, Thundercall exclusive] - Getting knocked with an active tether allows you to steal health from tethered targets and not get knocked. Frostdraw, Orbital Ice, Orbital Ice [Common Talent, Frostdraw Exclusive] - When landing a parry while standing on ice, automatically forms a ring of gravitaional ring of ice that absorbs 25% of the physical damage you take. (+4 Ether, +3 Health), Prerequisites: 50 Charisma, Vow of Mastery, Effect: Takes the hp of a servant until you are full hp, Command: Return [Rare Talent] - Command your servant to obey your vow and return to your side. "Saved" being interrupting a grip attempt. (+3 Elemental Intensity), Immolation [Flamecharm Exclusive, Common Talent] - Fire spells cost 70% less while on fire. (+2 Ether), Golden Tongue [Rare Talent] - Typing gives a random buff to you and those around you. (+2 Elemental Intensity, +3 Health). Note: Allows user to eat inedible items under the food category, as well as some that aren't. Conquer your Fears [Common Talent] - Killing the beings of the deep replenishes your sanity somewhat. (+2 Ether, +7 Reservoir, +3 Health). Pack Mule [Common Talent] - The max quantity for food you can hold is increased by 5. Insanity to damage formula is a curve. Lowstride [Common Talent, Agility] - You suffer much less speed decrease from crouching. After a performing a Thundercall Combat Mantra, pressing F within a second afterwards delivers extra attacks. Fortitude] - Knocking an enemy grants you 20% damage resistance for 15 seconds. Certain talents are given when a specific outfit is worn. Finishing Touch [Common Talent] - [Dagger] Instantly execute enemies with your dagger. (+5 Elemental Intensity, +2 Health), Agility Unbounded [Common Talent] - You have gained the ability to surpass your limits and train your agility to its fullest. Sing - Charm those around you with your powerful voice Talents. Black Out [Common Talent, Shadowcast Exclusive] - Block breaking an opponent obscures their vision with darkness more potent than your Shadow mantra. Prerequisites: 30 Fortitude, 30 Willpower, Reinforced Armor [Advanced Talent] - Incoming PEN is reduced by 25%. Clutching Shadow - You stand still and use a force like move (from Star Wars) and choke your enemy out, then slam them into the ground. (+1 Wildcard Mantra Slot). Prerequisites: Scaredy Cat, Endurance Runner, Endurance Runner [Common Talent, Agility] - Even when things look dire, you still have it in you to keep your legs moving. Eruption Path: Lava Serpent [Flamecharm Exclusive] - Your fire abilities proc an eruption under the enemies feet. (+9 Carry Load, +1 Passive Agility, +3 Health). (+2 Passive Agility, +5 Elemental Intensity), Aerogliding [Rare Talent, Galebreathe Exclusive] - When falling from a high place, hold spacebar to generate wind currents until you hit the floor. Drinking potions will slow you down less. (120 second cooldown) (+2 Health, +5 Ether), The Eleventh Hour [Common Talent] - When below 15% health your mantras require no ether to cast for 3 seconds. Invincible for about 2 seconds after being hit by lightning, Conditioned Runner [Advanced Talent, Agility] You run faster than normal when running. (60 second cooldown) (+4 Ether, +3 Health), Bloodiron Spirit [Rare Talent] - You regain some armor upon killing enemies. Prerequisites: Achieve a Power level of 6 and a Light Weapons attribute of 40, talk with, Flying Swiftkick [Common Talent] - Hitting a Jus Karita critical attack while Swiftkick Prodigy is active will greatly slow your enemy, and consume your speed boost. (+1 Passive Agility, +3 Elemental Intensity, +1 Health), Prerequisites:?? Generally dangerous to use without Pyromaniac. when this effect activates, attracting guards to the attacker. Vow of Mastery Deepwoken is the talent that enhances the force and power of the character. Kickstart [Common Talent, Thundercall Exclusive] - Play the resurrector. Expert Frostdrawer [Frostdraw Exclusive] - You can now obtain 2-Star Leveled Frostdraw Mantras. (+3 Elemental Intensity), Blood Thirsty [Common Talent, Light] - Gain a speed boost after causing an opponent heavy blood loss. Attacking will cancel the effect early. At 3 stacks a halo appears that allows you to slide further. (+5 Health). Flames of Denial has a similar concept and name to the "Tears of Denial" Spell from the Dark Souls Series. i made funny vigil "commander" cosplay cuz i wanted to do gale medium build lmfao. i.e Getting hit by Shadowcast mantras while having Galebreathe resistance will immediately change your resistance type to Shadowcast after being hit and vice versa. Also giving the best talent cards alongside. In return your Lightning Impact will require more time to cast. Termite [Common Talent, Unlockable Talent] - You can eat things most would consider inedible. (+3 Elemental Intensity, +1 Health), Rude Awakening [Common Talent, Frostdraw Exclusive] - When hit in Cryostasis inflict frost damage to the enemy who hit you. Casting Agility renamed to Speed Boost will say "Speed Boost!". (+5 Ether), Lightweight [Common Talent] - Move faster when your armor runs out of durability. (+4 Sanity, +1 Elemental Intensity, +3 Health), Prerequisites: Fire Forge (Flamecharm Mantra). (+2 Carry Load). HIGHLY REQUESTED! Also seems to provide some resistance to the Gale. (+1 Passive Agility), Cheap Trick [Common Talent, Visionshaper Exclusive] - When hit bellow half health briefly disappear leaving behind an illusion clone to keep your opponent occupied. (Hyperarmor Benefit), Lose Your Mind [Rare Talent] - Deal more damage the more insane you are, but go insane 1.2x faster (+4 Health, +5 Sanity). (+1 Elemental Intensity, +1 Health), Overwhelming Drain [Shadowcast Exclusive] If multiple enemies are hit by your Shadow Eruption, they are dazed. Your repairs are more efficient. People blinded by Blinding Flame are Dazed for 2 seconds. (+3 Elemental Intensity, +1 Health), Stratoshock [Common Talent, Thundercall Exclusive] - Your lightning deals more damage in the rain. (+5 Elemental Intensity, +3 Health), Frost Buster [Common Talent, Frostdraw Exclusive] - Greatsword and Greathammer Crits leave a trail of ice. (+4 Carry Load). You cannot roll Risky Moves with Safety Dance and Observation. (+20 Sanity) (Obtained by wearing a blindfold). (+3 Elemental Intensity), Fragile Freeze [Common Talent, Frostdraw Exclusive] - Your ice Mantras will freeze opponents upon blockbreaking them. (+7 Health), Bruiser's Mixup [Common Talent] - Switching your Fist Style mid-fight makes your basic Fist attacks inflict bleed temporarily. One will also spawn at the lightkeepers temple. Obtained after fishing 50 times successfully. Apart from the mentioned Commands, there are many more commands, which need exposure. You'll get along famously with the other patrons at the tavern. Meteor Impact [Common Talent, Flamecharm Exclusive] - Aerial moves will follow up into a devastating slam. (+3 Health, +8 Carry Load), Duelist Dance [Common Talent] - Parrying opponents gives you back 25% more posture back. New to the Wiki? Prerequisites: "Flamecharmer Ploom" Quest in. Jumpstart [Common Talent, Thundercall exclusive] - Using Static Withdraw when not being carried shocks yourself increasing your ability to scale walls, speed and applies shock to all outgoing physical damage and damage taken. Rapid Slashes [30 Light Weapon] - Rush down your opponent cutting them apart. Crit procs are rolled for each individual target, not per swing. (+1 Passive Agility). Buffs food of one person they choose around them as long as they are at a campfire or power 5+. All Thundercall mantras always apply this, despite the description saying "a chance". Reduce posture damage taken by 50% while standing still and using a spear. (+1 Elemental Intensity, +3 Health). Complete Alpha's quest. Prerequisites: Frostdraw at Power 1 or obtain through Frostdraw Trainer (Nell). Getting hit by another element immediately changes your resistance to that element. (+1 Passive Agility), Bear Trap [Common Talent] - Landing a hit with your critical makes you unable to jump for a duration. Prerequisites: 30 Fortitude, 10 Willpower, Use a Shield. If using Glass Path: Crystallization, Saint Jay is active for 2 seconds when a crystal is applied. (+3 Elemental Intensity), Shocking Finish [Common Talent, Thundercall Exclusive] - Following a flourish up with a lightning beam causes it to be casted instantly. (+1 Passive Agility, +3 Health), Hidden Blade [Common Talent, Light] - Assassinations now leave enemies on the ground longer. Much more range than frost grab. Heavy Hitter [Common Talent] - [Heavy Weapons] Your posture damage is increased by 25%. A Build is the culmination of stats, talents, weapons, and more that a character has that forms what they can do and it's play style. If you were to catch fire while on ice, gain total immunity to the burning status effect. Herbivore [Common Talent] - You gain more nutrition from eating plants. Ice Eruption [1 Star Mantra] - Stomp the ground, releasing a barrage of ice spikes that block breaks. (+4 Ether). Taunt - Taunt those around you, causing them unable to jump and to take more damage. Talents | Deepwoken Library Wiki | Fandom Wikis Advertisement Deepwoken Library Wiki 18 pages Explore Wiki Content Community Talents View source Contents 1 Overview 2 Terminology 3 Talents 3.1 Acrobat (2/? Command: Fight [Common Talent] - Command your servants to fight for their master, granting them enhanced stats for a duration (+4 Ether, +4 Health), Prerequisites: 30 Charisma, Vow of Mastery, Effect: Buff speed slightly and major power boost, Command: Leech [Common Talent] - Conjure the ether of your vow into essence and transfer it to yourself. They will ask you to make 3 potions. (+1 Passive Agility), Vital Point [Common Talent, Agility] - Assassinating someone gives you 50% PEN for 5 seconds (+1 Passive Agility). (+4 Ether), Charismatic Cast [Common Talent, Charisma] - Landing mantras on enemies charms them reducing damage done to you. Vow of Mastery [Common Talent] - The Vow of Mastery grants the Master the power to command their Subject. (+3 Health). For example: Overflowing Dam requires 40 INT as a prerequisite. (+3 Elemental Intensity, +3 Health), Dark Synergy [Shadowcast Exclusive] Engulf your enemy in shadows when flourishing them. Everything is simply as we choose to percieve it. (+10 Ether, +9 Health), Armor Conserver [Common Talent] - You lose 5% less armor when hit. 1 4 4 comments Best Add a Comment InnerOogway 4 days ago Gain +20% damage and increased movement speed while the fire is active. (+2 Posture) Gain total immunity to ragdoll, only being pushed back instead from moves that would normally ragdoll. Can even glide from major islands to another nearby. (+10 Carry Load, +4 Elemental Intensity, +3 Health), Thundercaller [Common Talent, Thundercall Exclusive] - Grants you the ability to command Lightning as a Thundercaller. (+4 Ether, +7 Reservoir), Prerequisites: 30 Intelligence, Use a Gun / Rifle. Prerequisite: Escape from The Depths once. The second hit no longer deals posture damage. (+5 Passive Agility), Provides I-frames for the duration of the invisibility (3 seconds), Prerequisites: 40 Agility, Evasive Expert, Risky Moves, Swift Rebound, Risky Moves [Rare Talent, Agility] - When you successfully dodge, you'll automatically dodge the next attack. The damage type you become resistant to is indicated by a colored shield, continuous damage of the same element will give a colored outline of the damage type. Prerequisite: Grand Javelin, 60 Thundercall. Fire Palm [1 Star Mantra] - Fire a short burst of flame from your palm. (+3 Health). (+3 health). (+6 Sanity), Comeback Kid [Common Talent] - When waking up from being knocked you are unable to be knocked down for 5 seconds. Unwavering Resolve [Common Talent] - Getting parried punishes your posture 50% Less. Intelligence gives you more ether and reservoir so that's useful. Advanced Talents | Deepwoken Wiki | Fandom Character Mechanics in: Talents, Legendaries Advanced Talents View source (WIP - This page is NOT finished, feel free to edit to make the page nicer) Contents 1 Overview 2 Attunements 2.1 Flamecharm 2.2 Frostdraw 2.3 Thundercall 2.4 Galebreathe 2.5 Strength 2.6 Fortitude 2.7 Agility 2.8 Intelligence Fire while on ice, gain total immunity to ragdoll, only being pushed around powerful. That caps are forced at the start of every word and can not roll Everchanging Aegis with to... Out of durability Gun / Rifle casting Agility renamed to speed Boost for seconds. Abilities proc an eruption under the food category, as well as some that are n't items as! 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