98 configuration 9 string courses on left side, 8 courses on rightRoughly 22 length by 10 height.Excellent condition.Top and Back are Birch wood.Sound is bright and light. The shift from the bass bridge to the treble bridge is required because the bass bridge's fourth string G is the start of the lower tetrachord of the G scale. Your email address will not be published. The Graeco-Roman dulcimer ("sweet song") derives from the Latin dulcis (sweet) and the Greek melos (song). The Phoebe Dulcimer package includes: The Phoebe hammered dulcimer, case, stand, hammers, tuning wrench, and instruction book. The whole pattern can be shifted up by three courses, so that instead of a D-major scale one would have a G-major scale, and so on. There are 25 courses of 5 strings. Start by marking 1 1/8 intervals along each bridge; these marks are where the strings will ultimately rest. It sound will satisfy the discrimination . Though all three products have almost the same quantity of accessories alongside the dulcimers with a few hits and misses, however, the Master Works Hammered Dulcimer tops the price list. However, these Germans were able to hold onto their culture and language while living in Ukraine and did the same when they immigrated to the US. Hutsul tsymbaly: This instrument is so small it can be carried, and is held by a strap around the musicians neck and rests against their waist. In Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese, the name salterio was used to describe two kinds of zithers: the hammered dulcimer and the psaltery. [1], Hammered dulcimers and other similar instruments are traditionally played in Iraq, India, Iran, Southwest Asia, China, Korea, and parts of Southeast Asia, Central Europe (Hungary, Slovenia, Romania, Slovakia, Poland, Czech Republic, Switzerland (particularly Appenzell), Austria and Bavaria), the Balkans, Eastern Europe (Ukraine and Belarus), and Scandinavia. After selecting your materials, its time to set up your workshop. The salterios of the 18th century in countries like Italy and Spain were played by the upper-class aristocracy for composed sinfonia or sonatas. Your email address will not be published. The frame consists of two thicker sides on the left and right these are the pin blocks which will ultimately hold the strong pins as well as two thinner rails on the top and bottom. Although it had a distinctive name in each country, it was everywhere regarded as a kind of psalterium. With the frame of the instrument lying flat on a workbench, apply a layer of glue on each side and lay the back over the frame. 12/11 is a common size for a small dulcimer, and it means there are 12 courses of strings on the treble bridge and 11 courses on the bass bridge. The lowest note is (La2 or A2) on the left side of the bass bridge. Back then you may have heard it called a whamadiddle or lumberjacks piano. As with a piano, the purpose of using multiple strings per course is to make the instrument louder, although as the courses are rarely in perfect unison, a chorus effect usually results like a mandolin. We have found that Rockler is an excellent source of fine quality wood for instruments and other hobby needs. What is a hammered dulcimer anyway? With varying instruments included in the ensemble over the years, these days typically you will see an accordion, a bass electric piano or guitar, a trombone, and the hackbrett. Once the glue is applied, be sure to apply pressure at all points using clamps and weights. Excellent quality wire designed for stringing of Dulcimer, Hammered Dulcimer, Harpsichord & Harp as well as other stringed instruments Coiled onto a sturdy spool which makes the handling of the wire easy to use Metric conversion chart below Choose from the following sizes: Size 7 - .018" diameter - 578 feet per 1/2 lb coil More information on the D570 model can be found here. . , Iraqi Maqam, Santoor, with Amir El Saffar (Workshop) Part 2, on Arab TV, Thai Classical Music Nang Kruan , In the modern music genres of today, there is no doubt the, The hammered dulcimer immigrated along with the early settlers to America in the early 1700s. It has five bridges of varying sizes, and courses are double or triple-stringed. Start by drilling a hole into the soundboard, and then use a small blade (a coping saw blade works well) and chisel to finishing carving out the clef designs. Shop: Buy a hammered dulcimer and discover . document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Tuning Tips For example, on an instrument with D as the lowest note, the D major scale is played starting in the lower-right corner and ascending the bass bridge: D E F G. This is the lower tetrachord of the D major scale. . A more recent example of its use is by the Blue Man Group. The cimbalom, or concert cimbalom, is a descendant of the hackbrett. Traditionally the tsymbaly is played in folk groups playing Troyista Muzyka. The player can incorporate portamentos (gliding from one note to another) and vibratos (pressing down on the strings) in this manner as they play. The Dutch Hop is a type of dance and style of music that the Volga Germans brought along with them. The head of the hammer can be left bare for a sharp attack sound, or can be covered with adhesive tape, leather, or fabric for a softer sound. The main factors that affect the price are the materials (solid wood vs. laminated wood), the size/range, and the complexity of the design. So if youre looking for a new hobby or want to try your hand at woodworking, building a hammered dulcimer is the perfect way to get started! The Thai people learned to play and build the earliest khims at the end of the Ayutthaya period (14th to 18th century). We have been developing a style of the electric hammered dulcimer to blast us into the modern technological age! Others will knock on the trunk of the tree and listen carefully for the right sound. The strings on the left bridge can be struck on both sides. Canada: The hammered dulcimer also spread throughout Canada with the early settlers. For this reason, it's not usually possible for us to tell you what materials and gauges of strings your dulcimer was designed for. We will touch on the history and musical traditions of their past, todays styles, as well as peek at the instruments wave of the future. At this step, apply several coats of varnish to all sides of the hammered dulcimer using a clean rag. Contact, Demonstrating our Exciting Electric Hammered Dulcimer-Songbird Dulcimers, John Fritzler Polka Band Dutch Hop on Mollie B Polka Party Let's Have A Party & Sully's Polka, 100 Tagu Ciganyzenekar Cignytz -Budapest Gypsy Symphony Orchestra Cignytz 2008, () . This style of music was used as an accompaniment to Sufi hymns, and also a dance called Hafiz Nagma. Finish the notches with a chisel and use sand paper to smoothen. We hope this helped with finding your perfect hammered dulcimer. Grassroots dulcimers come in 2 sizes. Using a drill press, drill holes at a 15 degree angle away from the center of the instrument. The strings are only struck on one side of the bridge, similar to the Indian santoor. As a player strikes the courses above in sequence, they ascend following a repeating sequence of two whole steps and a half step. The cost of building a dulcimer varies depending on the type of wood you use and the tools you have access to. Dulcimer.net is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. The Master Works hammered dulcimers have a comparatively long sustain, which is excellent for full-sounding slow-to-medium tempo music (e.g. For this reason, it's not usually possible for us to tell you what materials and gauges of strings your dulcimer was designed for. The bridges are called dama, meaning chessmen in Arabic, because they look like pawns. The Mexican salterio is placed in the lap and plucked with plectrums (metal picks attached to the index finger on each hand). [5], In the Alps there are also chromatic dulcimers with crossed strings, which are in a whole tone distance in every row. Both the folk and concert varieties of the cimbalom landed in countries like Hungary, Slovakia, Romania, Slovakia, Moldova, Belarus, and Ukraine, where the culture has held and it is still played today. Save hammered dulcimer used to get e-mail alerts and updates on your eBay Feed. It seems that the instrument depicted in stone carvings around 700 BC in ancient Assyria may have been the original psaltery. It's a lot of work, and in most situations, there won't be much of a noticeable improvement to the tone. More modern yangqin since the 1950s have steel alloy strings (in conjunction with copper-wound steel strings for the bass notes). Hi ! Versions of the hammered dulcimer, each of which has its own distinct manner of construction and playing style, are used throughout the world: A musician playing a diatonic hammered dulcimer. Typically arranged chromatically with a range of just over four octaves. J. C. Rockwell Dulcimer Company began making baritones in 1994. Dulcimer.net is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. The Persian santur has a diatonic tuning, with tones that are designated into 12 modes, or dastgahs, which makes up the classical music of Persia called the Radif. On the practical side, you want to make sure that you can tune the dulcimer and that it will stay in tune. It has 100 strings and has been found in the union territory of Jammu and Kashmir since ancient days. Middle C is the third course from the bottom on the tenor bridge. This 16/15 dulcimer is beautiful to look at, durably built and great sounding -- all at a price anyone can afford! You're always welcome to give us a call if you're worried you're going to do something wrong or hurt the instrument. User:Kar Mester at hu.wikipedia, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons. The instruments that were played differed in many ways, however, such as size, tuning, amount of strings, as well as the way of holding and playing the hammers. Roman Kumlyk The Owner Of The Museum Of Musical Instruments And Hutsuls Lifestyle In Verkhovyna (Ukraine) by MariyaZ is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0. During World War I when Germans were not well-received, they changed their names from Deutsch to Dutch. The 18-note khim is popular among musicians because it has more sound capabilities. The Indian santoor of ancient times was played in a style of classical music called Sufiana Mausiqi, which means mystical music. Dusty Strings has been lovingly handcrafting hammered dulcimers in Seattle, WA since 1979. A santoor player will sit in an ardha-padmasana asana, and will place the instrument in their lap to play. Since no dampers are used, a free hand will dampen notes instead. Marvelous, love the photos and videos as demonstrations, too! Musicians often have several different sets of hammers to choose from, all with slightly varied tones. This shape is said to be easier for musicians to carry. The cane hammers are bent and bound with wool. It was also found in Boikivshchyna, Transcarpathia, Podolia, Bessarabia and Eastern Ukraine. The idea is to remove enough material to make the bridges come up to a point. About the author:In her childhood, Nicolette Foss could be found underneath piles of sawdust in her fathers hammered dulcimer workshop. It seems that the instrument depicted in stone carvings around 700 BC in ancient Assyria may have been the original psaltery. Thank you! Available in multiple gauges, these strings will provide the perfect fit for your instrument. Hammered dulcimers can also be chromatic, which allows for a longer range in the higher registers. If the pieces of wood used for the pin blocks are not thick enough, glue two pieces together and clamp securely as shown in the video. For example, mahogany has a beautiful dark finish that would look great as a soundboard on any hammered dulcimer, while maple impacts a lighted, more cheerful tone. Ah yes, good one Sebastien! The 22 and 30-note khims are very large and therefore heavy. In general, you will need wood for the sides, internal braces, soundboard, and trim. Be sure to avoid using softwoods such as pine, as they will not produce a desirable tone quality. Schunda concert instruments are fully chromatic with no duplicated notes. We're not pushy salespeople, and there's no question too silly to ask. What kinds of music can you play? The tsymbaly is called the instrumental voice of Belarus. For the trim, rip pieces of mahogany to fit the sides of the hammered dulcimer. This is the standard size that is popular among beginners. Save up to 20% when you buy more. The following are a handful of key considerations: The hammered dulcimer products in review today are of three different and renowned brands. Shifting down three courses transposes the D-major scale to A-major, but of course the first Do-Re-Mi would be shifted off the instrument. To do this, the left hand must hold the hammer that plays perfect fourth intervals, and the right hand holds the hammer that plays thirds. For the back of the hammered dulcimer, use thick planks of wood. Concert cimbalom. But in addition to the traditional Troyista Muzyka ensemble, they are played alongside electric guitars, synthesizers, violins, drums, and accordions. Instrument: Dulcimer. Concertino for Santur and Orchestra, by Faramarz Payvar and Hossein Dehlavi. Most Ukrainian folk instrument ensembles and orchestras of today like the Orchestra of Ukrainian Folk Instruments and the State Bandurist Capella usually have two concert cimbaloms. With the tip of a hobby knife or spade drill bit, mark holes through the paper through the top of the soundboard to indicate the general outline of the designs. You'll also need to determine the string materials (commonly steel, brass, phosphor bronze, or a combination of these), and whether they have a winding around them or are smooth, plain wire. However, there are other variations that may have different tuning systems, lack dampers, and are not heavily constructed but still called cimbalom. It's an ideal size for many people - reasonably easy to carry and set up, but with a highly satisfying 3.5-octave chromatic range and 3.75-octave overall range. Browse through the Makers listed below, our Hammered Dulcimers are available for purchase through our online store or Call Us to place an Order (740-941-1271), or when in Southern Ohio stop by . It will quickly get frustrating if you're spending more time tuning than you are playing! This transposes one equally tempered scale to another. Hammered dulcimer sizes are often described by the number of notes on each bridge. Since a baritone or low-strung dulcimer is sometimes simply a standard dulcimer with thicker strings, I choose not to give the baritone its own size category. However, for those looking to take their time to build a more precision instrument, allow at least 1-2 weeks. These hammers are also wrapped with leather, providing a softer sound. Phoebe Hammered Dulcimer. Also available are our durable and convenient carrying bags in matching sizes. Every dulcimer has its own unique sound depending on the brand and type, so choosing one that is ideal is essential for the playing you want to do. Use a Forstner bit or spade bit for this step, making sure to keep the drill bits perpendicular to the surface of the wood. No need for a stand, this dulcimer has a leg that fits into the back allowing it to be placed on a table or other surface for playing. When fully dry, place the finished frame on the top and trace the outline with pencil. If youre looking for quality wood to build your dulcimer, there are a few different places you can go. It makes certain styles like blues, jazz, classical and non-Western folk music easier to play. The salterios of Italy are typically quite beautiful due to their high-class players, often displaying gilded features and ornamental designs. Thailand: The khim was introduced to Thailand from the China yangqin, then to Laos and Cambodia. There's no guarantee any of our string sets will be the right thing for your instrument, but it can be easier to experiment if you have a place to start. Color: Brown. The instrument is also played in the United Kingdom (Wales, East Anglia, Northumbria), and the US, where its traditional use in folk music saw a notable revival in the late 20th century.[2]. You can also view our full line of hammered dulcimers here. Semi-concert tsymbaly: Manufactured from 1950 to 1986 by Chernihiv Musical Instrument Factory. size. Price: $3545 Includes double-sided hammers and gooseneck tuning wrench. The evolution of the psalterium resulted in the harpsichord; that of the dulcimer produced the pianoforte.[7]. Hammered dulcimer is one of the most satisfying instruments to learn because it's easy to make a pleasant sound right from the beginning. In the Western hemisphere, hammers are usually stiff, but in Asia, flexible hammers are often used. We no longer sell .020" phosphor bronze wire. This ensures a consistent thickness which improves adhesion and reduces spillover. A hammered dulcimer, like an autoharp, harp, or piano, requires a tuning wrench for tuning, since the dulcimer's strings are wound around tuning pins with square heads. Bevel the edges with a router if desired. Additionally, the timpan or tiompan (thought to be a psaltery) were mentioned in old stories as far back as the 6th century AD and were said to be played by faeries. The Belarusian tsymbaly or cymbaly varies from the concert cimbalom in both timbre and size. Brand New. These days, you can find her belly dancing to instrumental Arabic music, learning the Serbian language, making short films with friends, and cuddling her cat Georgie. After some practice, you'll be able to tune the whole thing in less than 15 minutes, but often you'll only need to touch up a couple of strings. Along with the Iraqi spike fiddle called the joza, the santur is used in the classical Maqam al-iraqi musical tradition. Now onto the internal braces. German hackbrett. The khim is played either sitting on the floor, or sitting or standing with the khim on a stand. The strings of the hammered dulcimer are often tuned according to a circle of fifths pattern. Our 45" loop end strings will not work for this continuous stringing style, but you might be able to use two loop-end strings in place of one continuous string. In this final step in building a hammered dulcimer, we apply the pins to the pin block. 15/14 is a good, all-around size for most dulcimer music as it covers a range of 3 octaves whereas any other dulcimer with a size lower than 15/14 for example 12/11, 10/9, etc. The instrument arrived along with the Spanish conquistadors and became a part of Mexican culture. To fill in the gaps, many modern dulcimer builders include extra short bridges at the top and bottom of the soundboard, where extra strings are tuned to some or all of the missing pitches. The smaller instruments will have less bass response and sound brighter, while the larger instruments support more bass end and more volume. We mentioned the pantaleon in a previous post Where Did the Hammered Dulcimer Originate?. Still need help selecting the right instrument? This instrument has chromatic tuning with bridges dividing 125 strings into fifths and sixths. If the pieces of wood used for the pin blocks are not thick enough, glue two pieces together and clamp securely as shown in the video. More recently, there was a rise in popularity due to a Thai novel Khu Kam (later a TV series and movie), where the main character played the khim, and more notably the classical Thai song Nang Kruan. During World War I when Germans were not well-received, they changed their names from Deutsch to Dutch. You hold a hammer lightly between your thumb and pointer finger and let it bounce on a string, preferably close to one of the bridges. Do the same for the other side. In the 1760s, Catherine the Great of Russia, invited Germans to settle and colonize near the Volga River. This shape is used on bigger khim instruments, and is built for notes; either 18, 22, or 30 notes total. Sustain is influenced more by material choices. It was then perceived that the psalterium (in which the strings were plucked) and the dulcimer (in which they were struck), when provided with keyboards would give rise to two distinct families of instruments, differing essentially in tone quality, in technique and in capabilities. This variation is the most modern rendition of the hackbrett, created in the 1930s to play Stubenmusik (or parlor music), a form of Alpine folk music. The nobility were the main players of the doulcemr, but the trend quickly disappeared during the French Revolution when the instruments were seized. photozou: , CC BY-SA 2.1 JP
, via Wikimedia Commons. Belarusian tsymbaly also tend to be without dampers because hands and fingers are used to dampen the strings instead. You can add another one : my pantaleon ! Below is an excellent video produced by master craftsman Aaron Wolff, who builds a 5 octave, 19/18/6 hammered dulcimer from scratch. Photos, prices, and detailed descriptions for each of our dulcimer models, Beginner's guide to hammered dulcimers, general dulcimer info, & specifics about how we build them, Compare sound clips, prices and features of Dusty Strings hammered dulcimers, Custom options include dampers, abalone inlay & curly maple trim, Everything you need to outfit and service your hammered dulcimer (and some other fun stuff), Hammered dulcimer care & feeding, plus answers to common technical questions, Online ordering, string charts, & how to replace your strings, view our full line of hammered dulcimers here. Clamp and let dry. ( 1 customer review) $ 574.00. The middle note is (La3 or A3) on the right side of the treble bridge. The Salzburg hackbrett, or Salzburger hackbrett, has chromatic tuning and 128 strings. These will be spread out across three bridges a treble bridge, a bass bridge, and a super bass bridge. China: There are several competing theories of how the dulcimer got to China: A yangqin player. Watch this interesting performance as Iraqi-American Amir El Saffar explains the Maqam, plays the santur, and sings: India: The santoor of India is said to be a variation of the Iranian santur, referred to as Shatha Tantri Veena (100-stringed instrument) in Sanskrit texts. If you do decide to restring the whole instrument, we recommend changing the strings course by course. We are doing our best! The higher number refers to the number of pairs of strings passing over the treble (center) bridge. However, in general, you can expect to spend between $50 and $250 on materials for a standard hammered dulcimer. The strings for the right hand are made of either brass or copper, and the left-hand strings are steel. The dulcimers in review include Sapelli Pioneer Hammered Dulcimer from Master Works, Rosewood Hammered Dulcimer from Roosebeck, and Persian Hammered Santoor from SalaMuzik. In our previous article Where Did the Hammered Dulcimer Originate?, we discussed the varying possibilities of the original hammered dulcimer. String Spacing Shipping and handling rates can be found on our Shipping Costs page. The salterio of Mexico, or salterio Mexicano, is related to the psaltery of the 16th century. Finish: Natural. Spare string packs contain one to three strings of each gauge used on that model, and are useful for having backup strings in case of breakage, but will not provide enough strings to restring the whole instrument. Building a dulcimer varies depending on the trunk of the hammered dulcimer products review! 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