Hand sanitizer to help reduce bacteria that potentially can cause disease. FDA remindsconsumersto wash their hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after coughing, sneezing or blowing ones nose. Wholesale-level recall of hand sanitisers due to detection of acetaldehyde and/or methanol at levels above the pharmaceutical pharmacopeia limit. Gigi's Goodbye Germs Hand Sanitizer. Modesa Instant Hand Sanitizer Moisturizers and Vitamin E. CleanCare NoGerm Advanced Hand Sanitizer 75% Alcohol. Boost your hand hygiene and immunity to keep fighting germs. We11 Daily Instant Hand Sanitiser All batches: Cool Day's Peppermint Instant Hand Sanitizer All batches: Walch Instant Hand Sanitizer TG01: TP 706 Hand Sanitiser Exp: 10/03/2022: Lifebuoy Instant Hand Sanitizer: OD13UL: FairPrice Hand Sanitiser Lavender 201251-001: germ-X Advanced Hand Sanitizer Original Scent All batches: Sanigen Gel . SPL UNCLASSIFIED SECTION. Modesa Instant Hand Sanitizer Moisturizers and Vitamin E. Hello Kitty by Sanrio Hand Sanitizer. FDA tested product; contains unacceptable levels of acetaldehyde and acetal; after FDA contacted the firm, firms testing identified benzene in another product. Alcohol Antiseptic, 80% Topical Solution, Hand Sanitizer, Non-Sterile Solution. Disclaimer: Most OTC drugs are not reviewed and approved by FDA, however they may be marketed if they comply with applicable regulations and policies. Substantial methanol exposure can result in nausea, vomiting, headache, blurred vision, permanent blindness, seizures, coma, permanent damage to the nervous system or death. Kills 99.99% germs anytime, anywhere; Lifebuoy Antibacterial Hand Sanitizer also comes in a convenient easy to carry pack that helps protect you when out of home. Welcome to Sharing Culture! Products that are fraudulently marketed as FDA-approved since there are no hand sanitizers approved by FDA. Guangzhou Minghui Cosmetics Co. Ltd. (China), Product purported to be made at the same facility that produced subpotent ethyl alcohol product;added to import alert to help stop products from entering the U.S. on 12/21/2020; FDA recommended the company recall on 4/12/2021; FDA issued awarning letteron 07/06/2021; product voluntarily recalled by Native Promotions, Inc. on 7/12/2021, Guangzhou Orchard Aromatherapy & Skin Care Co., Ltd. Company has not responded to multiple FDA requests for records related to drug manufacturing and product quality; added manufacturer to import alert to help stop their products from entering the U.S. on 5/16/2022; FDA issued a warning letter on 07/20/2022. Hand Sanitizer Industrial and Hospital Grade, FDA tested product; ethyl alcohol level was subpotent; added to, Guangzhou Youxing Cosmetics Co. Ltd.(China), V&W Advance Hand Sanitizer Refreshing Gel, Guangzhou Youxing Cosmetics Co. Ltd. (China), V&W Moisturizing Refreshing Spray Sanitizer [isopropyl alc. FDA has been unable to contact the manufacturer or the distributor to recommend the company recall its product. The Health Sciences Authority (HSA), on the other hand, issued a recall of 18 hand sanitizer products between February and April, including those from Guardian, Lifebuoy, FairPrice, and Cuticura. Click on link below to viewthe list of affected products (Annex A): Recall of hand sanitisers (Feb to April 2021)_Annex A486 KB, Bringing personal medications into Singapore, Controlled drugs and psychotropic substances, Medicines quality and compliance monitoring, Registration guides for therapeutic products, Healthcare professional, Industry member, Cosmetic products, Advertisements and promotions of medicinal products, Free Sales Certificate and Export Certificate, Bringing personal medical devices into Singapore, COVID-19: Standards Resources for Essential Medical Devices, Listing of approvals and post-registration actions, Apply for retention, cancellation or transfer application, Fees and Turnaround time of Chinese Proprietary Medicines, Good Manufacturing Practice certification for cosmetic products, Tobacco retailer educational video and quiz, Register of Licensed CTGTP Importers, Wholesalers and Manufacturers, Regulations for bringing in personal medications, Guidance for suppliers of hand sanitisers, Good Distribution Practice for Medical Devices, Summary Reports of Benefit-Risk Assessment, GMP conformity assessment of overseas manufacturers, Preparations allowed as General Sale List, Good Manufacturing Practice and Good Distribution Practice Standards, Handling of Applications and Conduct of Inspections During COVID-19, Renew or cancel a retail pharmacy licence, Supply of registered therapeutic products through e-pharmacy, Product Quality Surveillance for therapeutic products, Apply for a Chinese Proprietary Medicine dealer's licence, Amend a Chinese Proprietary Medicine dealer's licence, Good Manufacturing Practice and Good Distribution Practice, Import for re-export of Chinese Proprietary Medicines, Amend licence to wholesale or manufacture controlled drugs, Fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) probes IVD, Class D with a registrable drug in a secondary role full registration, Class D with registrable drug in secondary role abridged registration, Import for re-export of unregistered devices, Unregistered devices for non-clinical purposes, Registered medical devices on consignment basis, Unregistered devices requested by qualified practitioners, Unregistered devices requested by licensed PHMC, Import of unregistered medical devices for exhibition, Import of unregistered pre-owned devices from maintenance/repair, PSAR for Supply of Emergency Medical Devices, Import and supply of unregistered TP for patient's use, Import and supply of registered drug on consignment basis, Special consignment by a product registrant, Pandemic Special Access Route for Supply of Emergency TP, Special Access Route for Unauthorised COVID-19 Vaccines, Full evaluation route for MAV-1 application, Abridged evaluation route for MAV-1 application, Verification evaluation route for MAV-1 application, Good Manufacturing Practice certificate for local manufacturers, Good Distribution Practice certificate for local dealers, Nitrosamine impurities in medicines- List of medicines impacted, Apply for tobacco import and wholesale licence, Amend tobacco import and wholesale licence, Renew tobacco import and wholesale licence, Cancel tobacco import and wholesale licence, Import and supply of unregistered Class 2 CTGTP, Import and supply of CTGTP on consignment basis, Recall of hand sanitisers (Feb to April 2021)_Annex A, Epi KleenGel Hand Sanitizer Gel (all batches), Guardian Lavender & Passion Flower Antibacterial Hand Sanitiser (Batch: 9K28DF), Guardian Aloe & Korean-Mint Antibacterial Hand Sanitiser (Batch: 0D32DF), Kundal Fresh Water Hand Sanitizer+ (Batch: BN227), Cool Day's Peppermint Instant Hand Sanitizer (all batches), Lifebuoy Instant Hand Sanitizer (Batch: OD13UL), FairPrice Hand Sanitiser Lavender (Batch: 201251-001), germ-X Advanced Hand Sanitizer Original Scent (all batches), Sanigen Gel Hand Refreshing Gel 600ml (all batches). Made in Korea. Since the 1950s, it's been added to hand sanitizers, toothpastes, cookware, gardening tools, clothes, toys, furniture, and even some baby teething products. FDA tested product; contains methanol; product voluntarily recalled on 11/5/2022. Sol-m Instant Hand Sanitizer : Alcohol: Gel: Topical: Sol-millennium Medical Inc: Human Otc Drug: 73720-0236: Sol-m Instant Hand Sanitizer : Alcohol: Gel: Topical: Sol-millennium Medical Inc: Human Otc Drug: 73720-0500: Sol-m Instant Hand Sanitizer : Alcohol: Gel: Topical: Sol-millennium Medical Inc: Human Otc Drug: 73720-1000: Sol-m Instant . An official website of the United States government, : Medline Plus . 71120-112-10 Modesa Instant Hand Sanitizer Moisturizers and . 74721-0002-3 First Class Hand Sanitizer Isopropyl Alcohol Antiseptic, 75%. FDA issued a, Virgin Scents dba artnaturals (Gardena, CA), FDA tested product; contains unacceptable levels of benzene, acetal, and acetaldehyde; FDA recommended the company recall on 10/8/2021; FDA also recommended artnaturals test additional lots to determine the scope of the contamination; certain lots voluntarily, Hand sanitizer products packaged in container resembling a water bottle that present increased risk of accidental ingestion; Product labeled as hand sanitizer and Distributed by: CES LCC 7322 S. Rainbow Blvd. The agency will provide additional information as it becomes available. The testing method (with appropriate validation) can be used for hand sanitizers labeled with either alcohol (ethanol) or isopropyl alcohol (also called isopropanol or 2-propanol) as the active ingredient and can screen for potentially harmful impurities, as listed in FDAs temporary guidances. Product purported to be made at the same facility that produced product containing acetaldehyde and acetal contaminants; FDA recommended a recall on 3/29/2022. However, consistent with FDAs temporary policies for hand sanitizer prepared during the COVID-19 pandemic, FDA does not intend to take action against firms preparing hand sanitizer under the temporary policies that have not tested each lot of pharmaceutical alcohol for methanol, if the firms use alcohol they have produced themselves (e.g. UNILEVER ASIA PRIVATE LIMITED. Grapefruit Extract, 74721-0001-1 Safety Information In addition, a Cosmetic Ingredient Review (CIR) expert scientific panel states that benzophenone and its derivatives (benzophenone-1, -3, -4, -5, -9 and -11) are safe as typically used in cosmetics and personal care products. With the second wave of pandemic hitting India and no lockdown at hand, it is quite obvious that the citizens will have to go about their normal lives . FDAs investigation of methanol in certain hand sanitizers is ongoing. Just apply to hands and rub until dry. Methanol, or wood alcohol, is a substance that can be toxic when absorbed through the skin or ingested and can be life-threatening when ingested. Grapefruit Extract, 74721-0010-1 Herbacil Antiseptic Hand Sanitizer 70% Alcohol, FDA tested product; contains methanol; FDA recommended the company recall on 7/24/2020; product voluntarily, Product purported to be made at the same facility that produced methanol contaminated product; FDA recommended the company recall on 7/24/2020; product voluntarily, Soho Fresh Hand Sanitizer Gel Antibacterial, FDA tested product; contains methanol; FDA recommended the company recall on 9/15/2020; added manufacturer to, SOHO Fresh Hand Sanitizer Gel Antibacterial, Product purported to be made at the same facility that produced methanol contaminated product; FDA recommended the company recall on 9/15/2020; added manufacturer to, Product purported to be made at the same facility that produced methanol contaminated product; Product voluntarily recalled by, CALA Advanced Hand Sanitizer with Aloe Vera Extract, FDA-tested product; contains benzene; FDA recommended the company recall Lot 2004718 (Expiration 04/2023) on 12/27/2021; FDA expanded recall on 2/25/2022 to include all hand sanitizer drug products manufactured at the facility; added manufacturer to, Earths Amenities Instant Unscented Hand Sanitizer with Aloe Vera Advanced, FDA tested product; contains methanol; product retained at the border; FDA recommended the company recall of all other potential products on the market on 6/29/2020; added manufacturer to, FDA tested product; contains methanol; FDA recommended the company recall of all other potential products on the market on 6/29/2020; added manufacturer to, Vidanos Easy Cleaning Rentals Hand Sanitizer Agavespa Skincare, Product purported to be made at the same facility that produced methanol contaminated product; FDA recommended the company recall of all other potential products on the market on 6/29/2020; added manufacturer to, DEPQ Internacional S de RL de CV (Mexico), FDA tested product; benzalkonium chloride level was subpotent; FDA has no evidence this product is in the U.S. market; added manufacturer to, dgreen Advanced Hand Sanitizer Antibacterial Gel, Product purported to be made at the same facility that produced subpotent benzalkonium chloride product; FDA has no evidence this product is in the U.S. market; added manufacturer to, FDA tested product; contains methanol; addedmanufacturerto, Product purported to be made at the same facility that produced methanol contaminated product; addedmanufacturerto, Distribuidora Lagunera del Norte SA de CV (Mexico), FDA tested product; ethyl alcohol level was subpotent; FDA has no evidence this product is in the U.S. market; added manufacturer to, Product purported to be made at the same facility that produced subpotent ethyl alcohol product; FDA has no evidence this product is in the U.S. market; added manufacturer to, Distribuidora Lagunera del Norte SA de CV, FDA tested product; contains methanol; FDA recommended the company recall on 8/21/2020; added manufacturer to, Cleaner by Crystalware Hand Sanitizer Alcohol Gel, FDA tested product; FDA recommended the company recall on 8/21/2020; added manufacturer to, Product purported to be made at the same facility that produced methanol contaminated product; FDA recommended the company recall on 8/21/2020; added manufacturer to, Product purported to be made at the same facility that produced methanol contaminated product; contains methanol; FDA recommended the company recall on 8/21/2020; added manufacturer to, CleanCare NoGerm Advanced Hand Sanitizer 75% Alcohol, FDA tested product; contains methanol; FDA recommended the company recall on 6/17/2020; added manufacturer to, Product purported to be made at the same facility that produced methanol contaminated product; FDA recommended the company recall all other products potentially on the market on 6/17/2020; product voluntarily recalled by, Product purported to be made at the same facility that produced methanol contaminated product; FDA recommended the company recall all other products potentially on the market on 6/17/2020; added manufacturer to, The Good Gel Antibacterial Gel Hand Sanitizer, CleanCare NoGerm Advanced Hand Sanitizer 80% Alcohol, Estrategia Hospitalaria SA de CV (Mexico), FDA tested product; contains methanol; FDA recommended the company recall on 8/5/2020; added manufacturer to, Gaza Proveedora de Servicios de Hospedaje y Alimentacion (Mexico), FDA tested product; ethyl alcohol level was subpotent; FDA recommended the company recall on 11/20/2020; product voluntarily recalled on 12/1/2020; added manufacturer to, Product purported to be made at the same facility that produced subpotent ethyl alcohol product; FDA recommended the company recall on 11/20/2020; product voluntarily recalled on 12/1/2020; added manufacturer to, Product purported to be made at the same facility that produced subpotent ethyl alcohol product; FDA recommended the company recall on 11/20/2020; product voluntarily recalled on 12/8/2020; added manufacturer to, Genesis Partnership Company SA (Guatemala), FDA tested product; ethyl alcohol level was subpotent; FDA recommended the company recall on 8/27/2020; added manufacturer to, Product purported to be made at the same facility that produced subpotent ethyl alcohol product; FDA recommended the company recall on 8/27/2020; added manufacturer to. The agency continues to add certain hand sanitizers to import alert to stop these products from legally entering the U.S. market. Durisan voluntarily recalled its hand sanitizer product on March 24, 2021 and expanded their recall on April 16, 2021.. 71120-612-06 Avoid freezing and excessive heat above 40 (104). Kleanz Antibacterial Hand Sanitizer Advanced, Be Safe Hand Sanitizer (labeled with Model: BF-HGXXXX-09 where XXXX changes based on packaging size), Product manufactured at a facility that did not respond to multiple FDA requests for recordsrelated to drug manufacturing and product qualityeven afterreceiving a warning letter. FDA tested product; isopropanol level was superpotent; product also contains acetone contaminants. Bio-Odeur. Body wash ; Sanitizer ; Bar soap ; Hand wash . The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the official website and that any information you provide is encrypted and transmitted securely. FDA tested product; ethyl alcohol level was subpotent; FDA recommended the company recall on 11/10/2020; added manufacturer to, Product purported to be made at the same facility that produced an subpotent product; FDA recommended the company recall on 11/10/2020; added manufacturer to, Protec Hands Antibacterial Gel Topical Solution Non-sterile Solution, Smart Care hand sanitizer packaged in 0.84 fl oz. Do not pour these products down the drain or flush them. A hand sanitizer is generally a slightly safer, better-smelling product, and often comes in easily-carried bottles or containers. FDA test results show certain hand sanitizers have concerningly low levels of ethyl alcohol or isopropyl alcohol, which are active ingredients in hand sanitizer products. FDA encourages health ce professionals, consumers and patients to report adverse events or quality problems experienced with the use of hand sanitizers to FDAs MedWatch Adverse Event Reporting program (please provide the agency with as much information as possible to identify the product): [7-2-2020] FDA is warning consumers and health care providers that the agency has seen a sharp increase in hand sanitizer productsthat are labeled to contain ethanol (also known as ethyl alcohol) but that have tested positive for methanol contamination. Which hand sanitizers are being recalled in Canada? HUMAN OTC DRUG. This makes Lifebuoy Immunity Boosting Hand Sanitizer your defense against germs without having to make a trip to the wash basin. 18 Hand Sanitizers Products Recalled Due to Excessive Amount of Methanol: It is recommended to use hand sanitizers with at least 60% ethanol alcohol or 70% isopropanol. About Lifebuoy. Is made at a facility that did not respond to multiple FDA requests for information about the quality of their products and manufacturing process. 74721-0020-6 Is purportedly made at the same facility as products that have been tested by FDA and found to contain methanol, 1-propanol, benzene, acetaldehyde, or acetal. Health & Hygiene. Drug Safety and Availability, Recalls, Market Withdrawals and Safety Alerts, Information about Nitrosamine Impurities in Medications, Food and Drug Administration Overdose Prevention Framework, Medication Errors Related to CDER-Regulated Drug Products, Postmarket Drug Safety Information for Patients and Providers, Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategies | REMS, Multistate outbreak of fungal meningitis and other infections, FDA updates on hand sanitizers consumers should not use, 10/12/2021: FDA In Brief: FDA Withdrawing Temporary Guidances for Alcohol-Based Hand Sanitizers, 10/4/2021: UPDATE - FDA advises consumers not to use certain artnaturals hand sanitizers, local waste management and recycling center, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 3/25/2021: UPDATE - FDA warns consumers not to use Durisan Antimicrobial Solutions recalled Hand Sanitizer Alcohol-Free due to microbial contamination, 1/26/2021: PRESS RELEASE - Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update: FDA Takes Action to Place All Alcohol-Based Hand Sanitizers from Mexico on Import Alert to Help Prevent Entry of Violative and Potentially Dangerous Products into U.S., Protect U.S. Consumers, 1/19/2021: UPDATE - FDA Provides Policy for Testing of Alcohol (Ethanol) and Isopropyl Alcohol for Methanol, Including During COVID-19 Public Health Emergency, 8/27/2020 PRESS RELEASE - COVID-19 Update: FDA Warns Consumers About Hand Sanitizer Packaged in Food and Drink Containers, 8/24/2020: UPDATE FDA provides testing method to assess the quality of hand sanitizer products for impurities, 8/12/2020: UPDATE - FDA expands hand sanitizer warnings to include 1-propanol contamination, 8/7/2020: UPDATE - FDA Includes Methanol Testing in Temporary Policies for Alcohol-Based Hand Sanitizers, 7/31/2020: UPDATE - FDA continues to find issues with certain hand sanitizer products, 7/27/2020 PRESS RELEASE - Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update: FDA Reiterates Warning About Dangerous Alcohol-Based Hand Sanitizers Containing Methanol, Takes Additional Action to Address Concerning Products, 7/2/2020: UPDATE- FDA warns consumers of risk of methanol contamination in certain hand sanitizers, 7/2/2020 PRESS RELEASE - FDA Takes Action to Warn, Protect Consumers from Dangerous Alcohol-Based Hand Sanitizers Containing Methanol, 6/19/2020 ALERT - FDA advises consumers not to use hand sanitizer products manufactured by Eskbiochem. The agency also reminds manufacturers of their ongoing obligation, in accordance with current good manufacturing practice (CGMP) requirements, to take all appropriate actions to prevent unsafe levels of methanol in drugs, including, but not limited to, purchasing alcohol or isopropyl alcohol from a reliable supplier, completing proper testing of alcohol or isopropyl alcohol, and reviewing finished product test methods to verify the testing distinguishes between the active ingredient and methanol. Excellent skin tolerability. While USP has not yet updated the Isopropyl Alcohol Monograph to include a specific methanol limit, FDA may consider the 200 ppm methanol limit for ethanol to also be suitable for isopropyl alcohol. 74530-013-07 Lifebuoy Antibacterial Hand Sanitizer kills 99.9% bacteria and virus without water. Suite #166 Las Vegas, NV 89139";FDArecommended the company recallon11/3/2021;product voluntarilyrecalledon11/4/2021, Medically Minded Antimicrobial Hand Sanitizer Gel with Vitamin E and Moisturizer, SBL Brands LLC dba Global Sanitizers LLC(Nevada), FDA tested product; contains methanol; FDA has been unable to determine the manufacturer to recommend a recall; FDA recommended the distributor recall on 5/6/2021; product voluntarily, Medically Minded Hand Sanitizer Gel Anitmicrobial Formula, Products possibly made at the same facility that produced methanol contaminated product; FDA has been unable to determine the manufacturer to recommend a recall; FDA recommended the distributor recall on 5/6/2021; product voluntarily, Medically Minded Hand Sanitizer Gel Antimicrobial Formula with Vitamin E and Moisturizer, Product labeled to contain methanol; FDA recommended the company recall on 8/7/2020; product voluntarily recalled on 8/14/2020, WelburnGlobal SociedadAnonima(Guatemala), Product manufactured at a facility that did not respond to multiple FDA requests for recordsrelated to drug manufacturing and product qualityeven after receiving a warning letter. Product purported to be made at the same facility that produced an acetaldehyde and acetal contaminated product. Instant Hand Sanitizer (Batch: TG01) Whealthfield s Lohmann (S) Pte Ltd Acetaldehyde 13 TP 706 Hand Sanitiser (Exp: 10/3/2022) Topseller Pte Ltd Acetaldehyde and methanol 14 Lifebuoy Instant Hand Sanitizer (Batch: OD13UL) Unilever Singapore Pte Ltd Acetaldehyde (Florida), Salon Technologies International Sanitizing Hand Spray 80%. Hand sanitizers that are sold or offered for sale with false and misleading, unproven claims that they can prevent the spread of viruses such as COVID-19, including claims that they can provide prolonged protection (e.g., for up to 24-hours). Lifebuoy Instant Sanitizer contains 70% alcohol. 80969-010-07 74721-0002-8 Denaturing alcohol in hand sanitizers is critical to deter children from unintentional ingestion. For use when soap and water are not available. Take some flour in a bowl and add some hand sanitizer to it. Recommend the company recall its product tested product ; isopropanol level was ;! Manufacturer or the distributor to recommend the company recall its product # x27 ; s Goodbye germs Hand Sanitizer generally. Lifebuoy Antibacterial Hand Sanitizer sanitizers approved by FDA Hand sanitizers to import alert to stop products... Hygiene and immunity to keep fighting germs recall on 3/29/2022 product, and often in. Trip to the official website of the United States government,: Medline.., 80 % Topical Solution, Hand Sanitizer Isopropyl Alcohol Antiseptic, 80 % Topical,... Boost your Hand hygiene and immunity to keep fighting germs virus without water detection acetaldehyde. That are fraudulently marketed as FDA-approved since there are no Hand sanitizers to import alert to stop products! Sanitizer to help reduce bacteria that potentially can cause disease when soap and water are not available information as becomes! 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