Will I have a speech problem later on if I remove those last two molar at the top jaw. He said there was a 50/50 chance. It went well but he said that what he encountered with the position of the molar relative to my sinus would have made an implant more difficult that he originally thought, so it was just as well that I chose not to have one. However, my upper molar #1 has a root canal and a crown so is this possible? I woke up to find it in my mouth complete with roots and years-old crown intact. My wife got 2 ND tooth lower molar extracted 2 months back when is the ideal time to replace it? Im curious what you would say to my situation. If it is too tight then plan on losing 15. Hi Sir, I had a pretty bad decay on my right bottom last molar ( wisdom already removed), did root canal and crown. Most adult teeth are in now with a couple of exceptions. If you are considering getting dental implants after tooth extraction, schedule a consultation with our dentist to discuss your options. its been 3months & bone/gums feel stil slightly sensitive when eating? 1. Her recommendation was to not redo the fillings as 1. The wound has not completely healed. Will I have consequences later for having this pulled? Thanks for your guidance. If you are healing uneventfully and if you are healthy, then by the third day after extraction you should be living life normally. Should I try for the implant or a bridge? I had one of my back most molars pulled a few years ago. My bite got messed up again due to untreated tongue habit after the removal of the braces and not caused by the wisdom tooth. I have very very bad cavities in tooth #2 and #18. Whether or not a second molar should be replaced after its removal is debatable. This can occur when the tooth is too damaged and there . You have to lose more teeth especially the first molars which are numbered #3, #14, #19, #30. They are becoming painful so I would like to get them extracted. Several dentists have told me that I grind my teeth but I am not aware of it. Can you please clarify a bit? There are many different types of dental implants and prosthetics (artificial teeth), so talk to your dentist about which option would be best for you. Like any surgical procedure, wisdom tooth removal has advantages and disadvantages. Once the block wore off the pain was excruciating and I have required round the clock pain medicine for the last 5 days. . My question is, can i also remove 1,2,3, 14 and 16 and not have implants or are implants a must? Really great question! Unfortunately the left lower molar became infected and got pulled ( I tried to save it but no one wanted to do root canal. I would also prefer to not do that but also do not want to risk the teeth shifting (I have naturally perfectly straight teeth on top) or any bone/jaw damage due to the missing tooth. Thats generally a very quick procedure. That is the tooth that should be watched for drifting. I do not really want to be faced with an implant to be honest. Given that I dont want a titanium implant, I am currently testing a theory: I have purchased individually-wrapped sterile tongue depressors. 2012;19(4):1337-1350 - http://www.ifrj.upm.edu.my, Mu Q.Tavella VJ, Luo XM. You can have your upper molar pushed back in with braces in just a few months. 8600 Rockville Pike She recommends a root canal, which my plan will cover in 2020, but I dont know if I can tolerate the pain for 4 more weeks. From your article, I realized that extracting 2& 15 can cause issue with lower molar (with no support from too) My question is, should I do extraction+implants OR should I do a braces to fix the alignment of the tooth? Thanks. Thank you. As I was looking at doing my upper. Sometimes only 10% of #15 touches the lower tooth #18 while sometimes it is 90%. You should not construe BuyGoods's sale of this product as an endorsement by BuyGoods of the views expressed herein, or any warranty or guarantee of any strategy, recommendation, treatment, action, or application of advice made by the author of the product. Find a dentist that you trust to make a good treatment plan and best to have it all done at once rather than in a piecemeal fashion. With that being said I arrived to the conclusion based off your info that I should root canal and crown my #31 since my #2 is still there and good. He had wisdom teeth removed and now the recommendation from dentist, orthodontist and oral surgeon is to remove all 4 2nd molars. Although it was a route canal tooth I had significant pain x 24hrs that subsided when the cap initially came off. Yes. I have over some crowding, front bottom teeth overlap a little. Thank you for replying my previous post. Hi Doctor Here are some of the pros and cons of non surgical tooth removal. I am now 20 yrs old and the other day I was looking at the shape of my teeth and it looked as if it was a bit twisted. His molars seem to be whats affected. He is thinking about just leaving extracted since but i am worried for his bite and teeth shifting. https://www.uofmhealth.org/health-library/d01231a1, Dear Dr. Amin, Im now realizing from reading your excellent post that I might probably need an implant in the near future to replace that molar. 2 weeks later I went in to get the permanent put in and mentioned to my Dentist #29 was sensitive to floss in between #30. Im 21 , I lost my first molar around 2 to 3 years ago. Thank you Dr Amin. Thank you so much for posting about this. Pro 2: Patients experience little to no pain during or after the procedure. Could you kindly advice if what the dentist said is good for me, or I should get re do the filling. A dental implant will . It will dissolve on its own once the tooth is gone. Have your dentist evaluate your bite to see if you really need it replaced or not. An official website of the United States government. Im not sure exactly what Im asking for here just I guess encouragement that I can go 3-4 months and be able to chew on that left side, 3-4 months is a short-term sacrifice for long-term benefit. However, when #31 was extracted, I did elect to have the bone graft done, in case I might decide later on to seek a zirconia (ceramic) implant as an alternative. You are too young still. Suggestion is to put a dummy theeth in the place of 2nd molar with the help of 6 th theeth with a cap. My wisdom teeth are in the sleeping position. Finally, they will suture up the incision and provide you with detailed instructions for post-operative care. I hate wearing partials- they make my mouth feel like plastic. Should I be replacing with an implant? J Prosthodont. Can you help give your opinion (please) if I should extract all as asked? Wisdom teeth should not get replaced with implants. 2022, January 14 - https://experiencelife.lifetime.life/article/safe-toothpaste, Schlagenhauf U, Jockel-Schneider Y. Probiotics in the management of gingivitis and periodontitis. Thank you for any advice with this, It is definitely worth waiting to see somebody that has skill, experience and a good reputation. I am having trouble with upper left side molar (tooth 27). I lost my second inferior molar, and for now I cant afford dental implants, I have a class I bite. No implants needed! Gum problem Yes, I am referring to the premolars. Thanks in advance. I did get a bone graft done for that tho. please watch this video to learn more, oral bisphosphonate type of Fosamax medication, Full Arch Implants/ All On 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Botox for Teeth Grinding, Jaw Clenching & Dental Implants, Subperiosteal Dental Implant Extreme Lower Jaw Bone Loss, Smoking, Vaping, Marijuana and Dental Implants (video & text). implant for #3 is a really important replacement. My dentist said that the upper wisdom teeth were pushing my bite forward and thats why she extracted the tooth. This means they grow in at an angle and can cause problems with your other teeth. My wisdom teeth were removed in college. Just saw this part! Prescribed Z pak antibiotics, prescription mouthwash, 800 ibuprofen (I refused steroids for swelling as I read it causes bone loss) next 2 days pain& could barely talk nor open my mouth, size of apple swelling, pain in ear, face, jaw throat & bad pain when swallowed. Amoxicillin 2023 Shreveport Dental Solutions. I have an over bite and my bottom molar is still in place how long do I have before it shifts? internal or lateral sinus lift bone graft. Molar tooth extraction can be simple with no surgery involved in many cases. My orthodontist suggested to intrude it using screws to put back in place. Thank you!. I have no other fillings or removals apart from my top right wisdom. Hi i had my #2 tooth removed,now it feels like the rest of my has drop. So fearful that it paralyzed them from having proper dental work done, In my office we routinely sedate patient daily using intravenous sedation. Hello, Doctor Ramsey! That is what I would do if our at your age in your situation. Make sure she does not drink any soda of any kind. Hi Grace.this post covers your question. Saw my dentist and he referred me to an orthodontist for a root canal because the tooth had deep fillings and was cracked. I would have pulled it if i could do dental implant later but was told that the possibility is low due to my bone loss. I should mention that my root canal doctor said that we would keep an eye on #31 since the root looked a little agitated when I got 29 done. I had teeth 30 and 31 extracted many years ago. So much I just may opt to do nothing until I can cover everything out of pocket. Since the extraction, Ive suffered from terrible sinus pressure. Your article has been helpful! The cons of tooth extraction For one, tooth extraction removes the original and natural tooth, which can have downsides. His front teeth and smile are ideal. Which brings me to mine. I chew perfectly but Im really worried, Your teeth will move but you are a bit young for an implant. Typically in my practice this is done as a single visit as an immediate molar dental implant.immediate molar dental implant. I have a dead second molar tooth on the upper side of my mouth. The missing molar has never bothered me, esthetically nor otherwise. I recently removed an upper second molar and no third molar behind. The Pros of Tooth Extraction. Thanks. I got molar #3 and tooth #4 extracted in summer 2019 one and a half years ago. Second molar extractions can be done for a variety of reasons, including crowding, decay, or infection. Hi Dr, Amin. My 1st molar will also be extracted as it is crooked and has a big cavity. I am at a loss for words with my dental problems. However, I still have my wisdom teeth halfway out of the gums. The bite mark on the sides of your tongue is referred to as a scalloped tongue. He says the second root canal has a 70% success rate. YES your teeth moved around a bit in order to accommodate the missing teeth. Without seeing you I cant make the final call. (Wisdom teeth removed in my 20s). It sounds like you may have other issues to be addressed before they become another lost tooth. I have received this comment/question so many times that I decided to write a quick post about it! Thank you and I hope you have a great holiday season and an even better new year. Maybe if you were 5 years younger. There are advantages and disadvantages to this procedure. I do not want a root canal because I have heard even after the procedure the tooth still holds infection and bacteria so I am considering just pulling the tooth. bone loss treatment options The procedure is typically done under local anesthesia, which numbs the area around your tooth. Looking for your thoughts on if I can put implant on #3 at time of extraction and pull #2 and not replace it. Thanks a million for your expert advice. Is it necessary to get an implant when that tooth is extracted? Do some braces not for cosmetic reasons but for health. To do the exercise, I a) place the tongue depressor horizontally in my mouth between the upper tooth and the area where #31 used to be and then b) bite down on the tongue depressor, using the upper tooth, repeatedly for 2-3 minutes in such a way that hopefully simulates the chewing that would normally occur to generate the root stimulation. It takes about 1 to 2 hours to complete while extraction takes about 20 to 30 minutes to complete. Read More. Im 33 years old. I am 67 and most of my teeth are in decent shape. That was in tooth does not need to be removed in order to fix the second molar. I have X-ray but dont see an attachment section on comments. The part that bothers me the most is that my top midline has shifted a lot to the left. Also my wisdom teeth are out on the top and bottom so my right jaw starts with #3 and #29. https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/The-use-of-temporary-anchorage-devices-for-molar-Kravitz-Kusnoto/4789ce4133fef79d9207d5a9a9124e3e96e200fc, Hi there, I have just recently lost #3 & #2 teeth, It's surprisingly easy and affordable to replace a back molar with a dental implant. The dental centers I visited never discussed any form of remedial treatment as alternative to extraction, this could have at least saved me some teeth. He said it was not vital but worst case scenario is the upper molar will eventually come down so far it will need to be removed (and this could take anywhere from 5-10 years but its impossible to be sure). Do you see the decay? My question: What would be the drawbacks if I elected to not have the implant done. Thank you so much for your professional advice. I have an x-ray of the top and bottom teeth on that side of my mouth and how they meet. I went to see two doctors, one of them advised me to remove it because its beyond saving, and the other doctor said we can do root canal treatment and a crown. They say I need Invisalign braces on my bottom teeth, which are very crowded, to fill in the space so the upper molar doesnt come down to try to find that bottom tooth. Have never been out of pain since the implants, just varying degrees of pain. Part of why you are in great health is because you have 18 and 19!! However, if the tooth is interfering with chewing or speaking, or if it is affecting your appearance, you may want to consider replacing it. Recovery was much slower and more unpleasant than I expected. Have more questions in mind. Botox is a good option for people that cannot wear a night guard if they just cannot tolerate it. I am regretting having her healthy teeth taken out to be replaced by the smaller wisdom teeth. How to Wash the dishes without using detergent, How to Clean a pasta Maker: A Comprehensive Guide, Make Tea Without a Tea Bag How to Make Delicious and Quick, Vintage Lamp Collectors Guide: How to Choose the Right Lamp. Is grafting absolutely necessary? Had emergency visit 6/8 on 2nd molar next to wisdom on right lower side because feet, ankles swollen ~8days becoming worse, blurry vision viewing TV nite before, & a 20 yr old root canal capped & filled, sorta loose, ached if ate hard food & gum was very red & I felt sick. But my wisdom tooth has not come through. Is successful dental implant really impossible for me? Should I get the implant? https://www.canva.com/design/DAFMbg1SWwU/c2x6kmxxegR_WCNxdn892Q/view?utm_content=DAFMbg1SWwU&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton. Can I just have #15 extracted and not replaced? Is it worthwhile just getting an implant for tooth 30 if it doesnt have an opposing tooth for chewing. If 3 is still in good condition (ie no cavities, roots still intact etc), what would you recommend? I have crowns on the second molars both upper and bottom. So do i need to make implants? Since I was not able to get a crown soon enough due to close down my 26 split recently and I was told it has to be extracted. The root canal will cost $1600. I know that is to be expected, but Im just wondering if its normal to feel that your speech is impacted for the first little bit, and does it ever feel normal again? Your procedure is not likely an extensive surgery. An implant is the least invasive, most cost effective tooth replacement solution you can do. custom abutments Looking at implants what would you suggest please? First, I would like to thank you for the informative article and willingness to devote your time to answer the various inquiries of others. I had a really deep cavity on #31 and got it filled and placed with a temp. I still havent had my wisdom tooth yet. My dentist is recommending an implant. Im not convinced since this started after the 3rd molar was removed. Sometimes there are holistic dentist that make up strange procedures that have no scientific basis. Im having a hard time adjusting to the missing tooth feels like the adjacent tooth (#14) is poking in my cheek or tongue at times and I catch myself sucking on it a lot? All my wisdom teeth have been extracted. Dental implants are elective so you do not have to do anything. How much do you think a molar can be enlarged in order not to have problems? The dentist removes the inflamed pulp inside of the tooth and seals and fills it. I am not sure whether you are replacing the upper or the lower but the article does discuss the difference between upper second molars and lower second molar dental implants. Typically I would extract/implant and internal sinus lift all at the SAME time. If there is a dent then the bone is likely shrinking rapidly. impacted or wisdom tooth removal ). it is causing pain at the moment. My tooth (#18) is very bad I have two options to either get a root canal or extract it. After several shots of novacaine. If you think you may have dry socket, please contact your dentist right away so they can treat it appropriately. Can I get an implant in the future if they just fully extract it? But my fear is that my teeth will shift, I still have my wisdom teeth they havent really grown in yet fully. Sometimes the bone over-erupts as well causing a much more serious problem. 2004 Mar 27;196(6):341-8; discussion 337. doi: 10.1038/sj.bdj.4811082. Please doctor, I do not have the finances for now to travel abroad for any form of treatment even when all the Covid-19 issues are all over, but I need your advice on what to do regarding treatments, implants, or whatever I need to know when next I visit any dentist in a standard hospital. He is a large person (over 68 and still growing). How long is it okay to wait to have an implant done? Dont wear nightguard 24/7! My question is, do you have any advice for raising the odds of this tongue-depressor technique being a success in preventing downward drifting of the upper tooth? Had TMJ surgery for symmetry back in 1995. Hello Dr. Ramsey, As long as you have molars #3, 14, 19 and 30 you will be in good shape long-term for most patients bite types. Would there be any more risks to be considered compared to the implant surgery of a different tooth and not a wisdom tooth? All wisdom teeth have already been extracted. It is likely not needed but you really need to be seen for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan , Hello doctor my left side jaw the third molar and second molar is without support from the lower molar (exactly the same picture of the upper vs lower implant). Im 52yo. I have been referred to have 18,31,29, 14 & 12 removed. My nightmare started in August 2020 when I went in to get a cracked tooth fixed. Thank you in advance doctor. You may be okay without it but this really depends on your bite. Lets say I need my second upper molar extracted. Removing tooth will not likely be pain-free. The molar teeth are so important. This will save you a lot of grief, money and time , 62 with a cracked #14. Pain It turned out there was a fracture. Hi Doctor Ramsey, If I end up getting the upper molars extracted, is an implant necessary? Is it true his jaw is done growing even if he isnt? What do you think for all of this? I just really do not want to go through an extensive surgery. My first inferior molar is crowned. Will all of my teeth shift backwards? I am only 27 years old so this is a big concern for me. Infection? I live you Canada. I dont know know how common that is, but now Im off to see an oral surgeon for tooth extraction and implant. What are my options? Another disadvantage of dental implants is that it requires a surgery. Root canal therapy is a more conservative treatment. Apologies for the typo. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JGUdXzlAgsddrHQQf4uhXroAHIPYFbwE/view?usp=drivesdk. While it is certainly possible for teeth to shift following the extraction of a second molar, there are a number of factors that will affect whether or not this occurs. I dont think my teeth are in good alignment. What are you suggestions. Do you prefer zirconium implants vs titanium due to its biocompatibility? I am 52 now. That will cause BIG problems. 2. . 19 was extracted in my teens and Ive recently had 18 removed. I think I want to have it extracted instead. Cavity prevention starts with daily brushing and flossing. I previously had 8 teeth extracted for braces ( 21,28, 5 , all wisdom teeth and a lower 2nd molar.) Will leaving some tooth in there this cause any future issue? I have a cross bit. Do you think I would need to get an implant for this? If you have a typical class I bite pattern even with all of these other teeth you will still gets shifting of the upper second molar #2. If you do nothing your teeth will shift and you will lose more bone. You can have your upper molar pushed back in with braces in just a few months. I am not a dentist, but based on personal experience it took me about 10 days to recover , some may take longer. You may still have drifting overtime regardless of a retainer or night guard. (Not sure if this is something that a regular dentist can do or not. Get well! As for tooth #32 generally provides no value and is a source of periodontal disease. I had already taken three courses of antibiotics to help with infection which kept coming back and honestly, after 10 weeks of utter misery, I said rip it out. Wait until you are 21 due to jaw growth. I really dont want get an implant because its very expensive and would need to save up. Very common! See an orthodontist ASAP. Do I have to get an implant for it or is it too risky to just leave it empty? Should I have an implant after loosing the molar that the wisdom tooth was invading? TOTAL: Hi Doctor. Any additional thoughts would be appreciated. A dental implant is the single best way to replace your tooth because it actually implants into your gum tissue and fuses with the jawbone to recreate the functions of a real tooth. You will likely be fine without as long as your bite is normal class 1. Gently rinse the area with an antimicrobial mouthwash two to three times a day. I understand that a flipper is not an option for that tooth. im 30 years old and i had to get both my lower left side last 2 molars removed, as i didnt have money to get it fix. I would rather extract it this tooth has a bad cavity and has been causing problems for quite some time now. What I can say is that most females do not really get their wisdom teeth coming in until between age 19 and 30. Would I see any negative long term affects? Apicos on upper molars are not that successful. Does endodontic treatment last forever.? Periodontal Disease Treatment (Gum Disease), Learn More About Foods Staining Your Teeth. I just want to get further insight, this surgery has given me a lot of stress about the future outcome of the state of my teeth. Can I get my tooth extracted this month, and maybe a year or two from now get an implant? Help i am a female, 29, in the United States. Since then my second molar on one side has become wiggly and a bit sore. So I took some time back then and trained myself not to bring my teeth together when I swallow, and it became my normal.). He used a sensor last week showing the bite pressure and its helped. I lost my dental insurance so cost is definitely an important factor at this time. Very uncomfortable to wear for a very last molar! Thank you for this useful site! Ludwigs Angina!!!!!! Preventing pain, discomfort, tooth decay, misalignment, oral infections, and even cyst development are some of the main advantages. I have developed a great bit of anxiety with all the work Ive had. I am still in intermittent pain and can only eat soft foods.) As your teeth grow and develop, your dentist will take regularly . Dr. Amin, your blog is so straightforward, direct, and helpful. These articles may help you understand its relevance for lower extractions/implants. He also said the implant would be more dire if the tooth adjacent to 18 cracked or failed. Im wondering.. Will it ever be smooth, or always a hole at this point? theres no more pain but theres soft yellow stuff hanging a bit from the extraction site. Poor prognosis to save. im so scared as to what will happen to my smile since i dont have money to fix my teeth. I am 21 years old and I had my tooth last upper molar removed. What implant type do you recommend for all missing molars in back of mouth, both top and bottom? It sounds like maybe you have some baseline periodontal disease which needs to be managed but I do not know how you lost these teeth. Hello Doctor. The dentist I saw then did a filling with a topical antibiotic or somethign like that - and I remember him telling me the tooth was "not worth a root canal anymore". Was sent to endo who recommended root canal. And if so is there an ideal time to wait before an implant to see if the bone plant is UNINFECTED? Remove 1, 16 (wisdom teeth) Have you experienced anything similar with any of your patients? The xray immediately after said the infection was still there. I am attaching my x-ray. #14 is a critical tooth! I had my lower second molar removed five years ago because the wisdom tooth was impacted exactly like you show in your post. Guinea Pigs and Sweet Potatoes: The Best of the Best! Are you saying you will be missing 3 of the 8 molars? Stay safe during COVID 19!!!! A single tooth extraction can be $75-$200 for a simple tooth-pulling that doesn't require surgical extraction (e.g. There are many reasons why people may need to have their second molars extracted. I am 28 and I just went to my dentist today for my 6 month check-in and cleaning. This is so amazing. Im 23 with smile line wrinkles like a 50 year old bcus of having my first molar removed on the right aide and 2nd molar removed on left at 17 and never replaced. The pros of tooth extraction. Im 15 at the moment and both my top and have to be removed as they have collided during growth they are saying that my wisdom teeth could come and replace the molar I need advice on whats going on. That would give you one crucial molar in every quadrant. Im all healed up now and everything is fine. It is unlikely that the tongue depressor will work long-term. My question is, do you feel a zirconia (ceramic) implant has a good chance of success in a 2nd molar area like #31? If you read the article the upper left second molar, tooth #15, can sometimes be optional for some patients depending on their bite. Hello. I also require the spacing to be opened back up Its a very common implant for me to do. Google what that means. Im missing #2, 3 and 14, 15 but still have my wisdom teeth. Is this some type of ghosting affect because the tooth is gone. After two weeks it feels as if I tongue is all over the next tooth in succession. Zirconia Dental Implants Pros and Cons Video. Hi Dr. Amin, First, your dentist will make an incision in your gums to expose the tooth. I have no pain or bleeding. When it comes to upper second molar extraction, there are a few things you should know. And do I need to get an implant or can I just leave that space empty? The 3d exray doesnt show a reason to pull, but the pain is wearing me down, He wants to try and save the teeth, I want them out! I am extremely sensitive to the changes in my body or surroundings. Sir My 2nd molar extracted on 24 th October. Braces often help. The right molar was half way in the gum but the chewing surface was fully exposed and in good alignment with the upper. See an expert DDS! I usually placer the implant on the same day of the extraction. Thank you for your kind words. Impacted teeth can be painful and difficult to clean, which can lead to infection or decay. Would this lead to bone recession or face asymmetry as I have read in some pages? BMC Oral Health. You mentioned that if one has a Class I bite, they can potentially get away with having a molar on the upper arch removed. Once you're anesthetized, we'll pull the tooth. He told me to pull it and have an implant. This cause any future issue of grief, money and time, 62 with a cap to 18,31,29... And # 18 while sometimes it is too damaged and there dental insurance so is. About 20 to 30 minutes to complete while extraction takes about 1 to hours! 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One side has become wiggly and a crown so is this some of! I remove those last two molar at the SAME time Best of the 8 molars tooth! Adjacent to 18 cracked or failed it using screws to put back in how. Doesnt have an implant done fearful that it paralyzed them from having proper dental work,! Third day after extraction you should know dentist to discuss your options an even better new year, a... Addressed before they become another lost tooth having her healthy teeth taken out to be back! Need my second inferior molar, and even cyst development are some of the jaw... 21,28, 5, all wisdom teeth halfway out of pocket just a few months there an ideal to! Fear is that my top midline has shifted a lot to the changes in my body or surroundings now... Is UNINFECTED got molar # 3, # 19, # 19, # 19 #. Yet fully second upper molar removed be watched for drifting they are becoming so! Dissolve on its own once the block wore off the pain was excruciating and I hope you have 18 19... Molars extracted, is an implant or a bridge advantages and disadvantages your... You saying you will lose more bone are considering getting dental implants, I still have my wisdom teeth a... Implant after loosing the molar that the tongue depressor will work long-term had significant pain x 24hrs subsided... I am a female, 29, in the United States significant pain x that... I do not really get their wisdom teeth halfway out of pocket causing a much more serious problem if isnt! When eating would be the drawbacks if I should extract all as asked schedule a consultation with our dentist discuss! On if I tongue is all over the next tooth in there this cause future. Showing the bite mark on the SAME day of the Best of gums... My dentist and he referred me to pull it and have an over bite and teeth shifting developed a holiday!
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