Looking for more information? 'oat StolenMariiii Davis told! Browse old newspaper publications to find specific newspapers. wards, pleaded guilty on a disturbance charge, and was fined $15; Liridsey Theo Cornelius, 25, of Amarillo, Tex., was released on a Orange, N. J.; three brothers, Uke and John of Crockett and Do of Port Arthur, Tex. Rossen was the biggest vote, winner on the second team all- district, while the other backflelil members on the Xo. Workman died of a heart k Thursday afternoon on a near Grier where he was eying for a Texas concrete firm. The dispatch of the "volunteer brigades" was aimed at preventing a repetition of last weekends costly standstill in Cuba's first nationalized sugar harvest. SANTA FE COMMENTARY Legislature Near Half Done By MAUUK'E TKIMMKH |'r*ii luteruttUoiMl The state Legislature wiil pass its halfway point this week ami enter that phase sometimes described by veteran lawmaker! , ,. $789.95 8 pc. Brown at 763-3763 before 4:00 was stunt and the proun rcon-?. The Clovis News (1911-1921) All newspaper archives for January 2, 1976 Browse Order a high-quality 18"x24" poster print of the page above. The best way to see whats on the page is to view the newspaper page. Clovis News-Journal (Newspaper) - August 3, 1973, Clovis, New Mexico
Monday for care of the unoffensive proposal j \ OQJTOW ..$1.5 ocratio lawmakers. iui.11 iwcuiur, COI- r\tt- i "M-.H.-5. Pakistan means "Land of the Pure" in Urdu. Rntl north of 7th withh ry, he is survived by two grand- jghters; Five brothers, W. 0., 3. af)d Kermit, all of Arlington, Bill of Amherst, Tex., and o of Carlsbad; and three sis!, Mrs. Richard Roan of Amar- Mrs. Rose Rodam of Muleshoe Mrs. Dorothy Lee of El Paso, iallbearers will be Joe Jarrell, jvard^ Martin, Floyd Goocljoin. Slate RepresentnUves Smllli and Kusler were queried by telephone as lo any .ohsurvutlons they might have on the leKlsln- ttve. They need visitors, cards and all have telephones .. . $184.50 . Clovis New Mexico Evening News-Journal (Clovis, N.M.) 1929 to 1938 Succeeding Titles Portales News-Tribune (Portales, N.M.) 1957 to 2016 The Eastern New Mexico News (Clovis, N.M.) 2016-Current LCCN Permalink https://lccn.loc.gov/sn84020648 Additional Metadata Formats MARCXML Record MODS Record Dublin Core Record Availability e a coat, valued at $45, wasi Charter Iued-"Burk" Tucker taken from her car while it was!Agency, insurance firm Bt 1217 parked In the 100 block of W.!Main St., was issued a corporation Second. The tackle slols are filled by land Clovis' Richard Ybarra and Gleiv Troublefield of Artesia. A mishap at Main and 4th involved cars driven by Doris Hudson 38, of 917 Axtell, and (irmip Reactivated-The local have his automobile under control. ter, Mrs. Emily Clickman of West llftlt*ric r\\Atirlnft ill.. . Larry Pierce of Clovis was the third most popular guard, with the fourth spot a four-wav deadlock between Dave Calhoun of Tcllinger Willeford Rowley s Hampton Hilliard Garcia Carmack Tucker Totals By quarters: Gattis 5 Marshall 7 FG 1 1 0 3 1 0 0 0 6 FT 1 2 3 2 0 0 0 0 8 13 7 F 5 4 5 1 1 1 1 0 18 F 4 1 2 2 4 2 1 1 17 Well, here it is -- the final tri- it might turn out that the player TP 14 0 0 3 11 0 0 1 29 Tl' 8 0 0 0 20 3-29 1-20 Alamo Star In Rushing Tops Loop football team, a squad that made history by winning the first district and state gridiron championships in the city's annals. All rights reserved. |i 2 6 points in pacing the Tigers King was named head football t 0 an g-2 season record. This will be an all-day session or you may come - stay awhile - and go. Cuy Cross of Portnles and Claude Cross of Rlmorc City, Ok'n.. and *. The photo caption said Deanna and her siblings had named the turkey Tom and were adamant that Tom would not be , Today
The Rev. five on the first team, two on the second, and two honor- ab> mentions. We want people to find what they are looking for at NewspaperArchive. Irish wit. The-first team selections represents both an explosive offensive machine and a strong defensive force. victory over Carlsbad. Marshall Junior High: All qua!- earth The other burned up wilhlaughter, M rs . Monroe Owens, Memorial Hospital ad- well as against being forced to do double duty with the civilian mil- iUa. j charter last week under authoriz- cd capital of $150.000. . Englewood, N.J., Saturdey was named executive director of "Pyramiding for 1 62," a' newly opened Republican - women's money raising program. But will furnish transportation, birthday by singing "Ha-(it's what they've got "behind" cloth. Janice died at 3 p.m. Friday in Memorial Hospital at Clovis after a lengthy illness. Monday 5 | 14C. lne next week its support of tin- cast their ballots at the Fort Sum-jP lan (o "neutralize" the feuding ner City Hall, at Yeso, and E i'factions ^ and create a fwlr-rr.lion- Ei|||Ai*fll Diihlap. With at least one of the words. Genealogy and family history records include: obituaries, births, & marriages. Wed Jan 11, 2023 5:20 PM EST. Duckworth said by way of explanation. In the last; school board o!e<--'r.head of Washington time, tion only' 1,001 voters were ca.^t (Tass announced 'that the Spul- wilhin tho Clovis district. S n of increased weight." Fullback Butch Anderson, Carlsbad. r-." fish out of their holes. in the Farmers Klectric Coopcra- tive building, chairman Goar has announced. 24 179 10% OFF On All Sleeper Sofas By Karpen This Includes Special Orders, Four Different Styles To Choose From In Stock. mior'wl about bill* which state Highway 6. Atomic Ener Congress tod moratorium testing is world."
county precincts 20-B and 20-C. Eugene Field: All qualified voters living east of Main, south of 10th, and all south of the Sant-. police Archives - Clovis News Journal Police blotter March 21 March 20, 2012 Here is a sampling of police, sheriff and fire call logs: Monday 7:31 a.m.: Call in reference to a stray dog chained to a tire. Her address is 912 East Grand. u. i j w<.i_iAhiitn<^, i, iiv* t i tin i.^ 17t( i^ I nrl i > *il(lUS>lJIt.U I I 1 | V *IU if t * I I I J (Sco picture on pu K e 21 for vot .hoartbeats" from space on Thurs ivis. Copyright 2023 NewspaperARCHIVE.com. Dog has dragged the tire and gotten wrapped around the caller's porch swing. Contributions for this project can be given from any interested individual throughout the world. L. 1.1 _ . president; j at the Clovis stockyards where a ; Mrs. David Mitchell, secretary; j fence burned. Dam- . No. \KO. Tuesday 5 . Clovis News Journal. What's wrong with the Clovis parents, Clovis businessmen, Clovis sports fans, and Clovis High students? Ironically they are the oniy underclassmen on the first team. Canadian company buys area wind farm interest . $24.95 $39900 White Desk trimmed in blue Matching chair included Reg. Quarterback i Hobbs. vin;i . Beg. fn Clovis the districts will bej tv Council resumes the Con^o split up ns follows: j^-hi-in -r ,, ,1 n,,t ~m,,i.,i. Itut (he legislature should not decide such a matter." (Staff Photo) BanquetMonday Parents, students, businessmen,, quet will be several Red Raider and sports fans in gcneraJ arc urg- football stars, including all-Amer- ed to attend' the Wildcat Club's jican center E. J. llolub and John- FIRST TEAM Pla.Vr School Chiss Don Luce Alamogordo Senior Jimmy Gee Clovis Senior Richard Ybarra Clovis Senior Glen Trouble-field Arlesia Senior Richard Morris Artesia Senior Dennis Tidwell Arlesia Senior Ronnie Bowman Clovis Senior Bobby Prince Clovis Senior Jimmy Reynolds Clovis Junior Dick Graves Roswell Senior Ray McDonald Alamogordo Soph'mor Most Valuable Player: McDonald, Alamogordo Coach of Year: Steve Graham, Clovis By DAltYL HALL News-Journal Snorts Editor . Just ask the folks who are coming regularly! $29.95 . Weiman Console - Perlato Marble Top - Beg. , , , < . They filed the court actions at the direction of the Atomic Kneiv gy Commission or the Pefeost Department. '* cancelled meeting and presence Carlsbad. But when parents aren't inlcr csled in honoring their own boys] when businessmen take a ,vhat" attitude towards a groij of youngsters that have give Clovis prestige, and when the dents aren't interested in payin homage to their fellow clasj mates, it's a sad situation ai very dangerous to commun spirit, . Co- in host was Mr. and Mrs. also of Texico. Dawn and Chuck will be among about 30 youngsters of Clovis, Grady and Texico participating in the show. We've updated our systems to enhance security for you. Roswell Joe Rhodes, quarter- Gattis Pcsis Two Victories Over Marshall Gattis Junior High scored twin wins Friday afternoon over crosstown rival Marshall Junior High, the freshmen Cubs taking a 29-20 triumph over the Kittens and the Gattis eighth grade scoring a 20 to 21 victory. ' dining room group, Span ish design by liernhardt. knowledged could [jeopardize its future. carries to gain 1,4 yard* ** 1-5 average. 37-41.1 in the quarter the Wildcats! $331.00 Danish Modern style Hi-Lo Trundle Bed. . You'll notice a change in how logging in looks. 4, 196(1 ildcats All-District Select Graham 'Coach Of Year' Position End End Tackle Tackle Guard Guard Center Q-back . llolub, everybody's nil-America, has been a Ntnndoiil center for the Red Raiders the. Seafoorg wh slated his vi* continuing U The Unite* ing Oct. 31, test ban nej way at Ge" have conU' wil ask March tratia The . Weather. The fatal weapon was a .22 caliber (osides his wife Helen and son! be open in the old Forrest district, I Tll Kennedy administration at the gymnasium. polling place 1 in the district will.U.N. $262.50 SOLD - or *299 00 Traditional al Pattern. Tb.e two tjnderclassmen, 51 c- UwD14 MM! transferred to the county jail and hold for Juvenile Officer Odell Friday! Thp fifth linr-kod nn <-l,"im nf i-r. .-,,11^ ini ltl ,\iri,.iri,,,'. Mrs. Pearce was in charg of all the games for the evening. $699.95 All Polio Furniture \Wrought Iron, 10 Yr. Guarantee\ hby Carolina Forge. . If youre not ready to talk to a representative, here are some frequently asked questions to help you determine if institutional access to Newspaper Archive is for you and your institution. 'Butler, 31, of 108 Hinkle, collided Duckworth, who can dodge an at Jones and 2nd. Search, read, clip & save 5.6 billion names from 3.16 billion newspaper articles. shot wound in the head. Neely Blackard, 1001 Grand has recently returned - Art Class (Be- from a hospital in Lubbock and has to stay around the house. Tomorrow night Clovis fans and parents gather to pay homage lo Coach Steve Graham and hii Fighting Wildcats, but after that even the various all-state teams will be anti-climaxes. Pasool Pollard, 5-11 center for Gattis, and Jerry Smith led the attack for Coach' Norm Dillard's freshmen with It and 11 points as the Cubs ranked up their first basketball victory In history over Marshall. People find the most success using advanced search. $139.50 Full Size Reg. Remember? STAFF REPORT CLOVIS An Albuquerque man was killed Thursday morning in a single-vehicle crash just north of the intersection of 21st and Thornton Streets. ne club said. search, read, clip & save 5.6 billion names from 3.16 billion newspaper articles. Clovis man arrested in Amarillo on September Clovis drug charges By The Staff of The News Amarillo - A Clovis man has been arrested in Amarillo over discovery of fentanyl and methamphetamine discovered in a September search of properties he owns in Clovis. Dillard called the Gattis win a terrific performance but said that several rough spots must be worked out before the Cubs could develop into a strong, junior high team. Foster said the proposal was made the afternoon he left Santa Fe and he was not familiar with all the stipulations applied to it. . Ciovls press a 18 still Late in the third stanza to hold to 12 scoring margin, bill] trailed the Raiders. Winning the nods at the flanker positions are Jimmy Gee, 150 pound defensive gem for the Wildcats, who also scored seven points and tossed many key blocks for his backfield teammates, w h i 1 e Don Luce, Alamogordo's 160-pound offensive weapon who . A .pickup driven by John Gail, 46, of Cannon AFB, and a car driven by Ruby McCormlck, 22. of 518 Johnson, collided at Grand and Maple. * Iftdfcsted they would to get into the sugar bee; AREA (tkmtlnHpel From Page 1) Elementary School. Article Archives - Clovis News Journal Article Archives Pages: News Sports Opinion Faith & Lifestyles Categories: 911 Beyond Argus Hamilton Biz and Ag Blight Battle Blotter Breaking News Business and Agriculture Cannon Connections Columns Crime Crime News Curtis Shelburne Earl EBlasts Editorials Editors Notebook Education Ent and Trav and north of lOlli! He said much of Ire Calls-The Clovis Department was called out extinguish three fires Friday '-' Firemen extinguished a clo- 315 Kansas. Clovis News Journal (Newspaper) - April 2, 1996, Clovis, New Mexico % to tioui5 flows journal sports tuesday april 2, 1996 Quot a Page 9wildcats finally regain Mcaa championship East Rutherford n j. . Reg. Fe Railroad tracks within the city and those within county precincts 22-A, 22-B, 19-B. NewspaperArchives collection of newspapers boasts more than 85% unique content compared to other newspaper sites. The fifth backed up claims nf two member of the board is Dr. Damage: car, $10; pickup, erroneously reported a c,-ir driven by Wanda Wells, 33, of 901 Hinkle, Traffic Violations - Freeman J. was involved in an accident Thurs-! Game Party, friendly visiting and refreshments. (. A. sct lhc time ot dealh * 3 a.m., reporting ** Center. Street Friday night. Reg. From now until March it's basketball, then in the spring it will be track, tennis, baseball and golf. Billy P. Clenver. The Clovis News-Journal was published in Clovis, New Mexico and with 160,769 searchable pages from. Group consists of round dining table, 2 arm and 4 side chairs and large glass door china. of Main . These gals have fun and why not come over and see them sometimes? Wednesday 1:30 p.m Baxter Hall ginners) Stover, the Mabel Van Buskirk, our Courtesy Chairman, underwent surgery Friday at Memorial Hospital. Low-resolution version. Tackles and David Guards - - Don King, Roswell, Skidmorc, Hobbs. The first team line averages 1GB.7 with Ybarra, at 180 pound*, the heaviest man and Bowman and Troublefield each tinning the scales at 175. soon after the U.N. Securi- uled Today Portales Han Dies - Termed Suicide PORTALES (Special) A ion^- jfime resident of Roosevelt County | he" 1 ^ irlhuto"!^ the "legislative is. Clovis News Journal (1940 - 1949) Clovis: New Mexico: Refine Keywords. The Clovis News (1911-1921) All newspaper archives for January 19, 1958 Browse Order a high-quality 18"x24" poster print of the page above. New Browse. In addition to big city newspapers, we have a wide variety of newspapers from small towns that hold a wealth of information about day-to-day life. . at Prospect Ave., Kansas City, Missouri . 1_ chairmnn - 1'arly Pnr Mannlng-The Clovis Polii-c Department and employes nt city hall had a party for out. Information: 575-356-4404 Saturday [] Filed Under: News. 5x7 PHOTOGRAPH OF YOUR CHILD For Only Ages ThfougU 6 Years Photographs are made with special cameras designed for child photography. Try plugging in keywords, names, dates, and locations, and get matched with results from the entire collection of newspapers at NewspaperArchive! Clovis Parks, Recreation and Beautification Committee 5:30 p.m., Assembly Room at Clovis City Hall, 321 N. Connelly. Brown, treasurer; and to be very slight. $509.80 Valet - Nite stand - Jewelry Tray, black vinyl cushion Reg. Start for Free Coach' Henry said Saturday h is pleased with the second halfl performance of the Wildcats, an remarked that Clovis' cagcrs never ceased to battle during the enJ tire game. halfback. Leon Lovelace, freshman center, led Farwell with 10 points. ctery under .the direction of Claborn Funeral Home of Friona. You'll notice a change in how logging in looks. The suits chargf "discrimination" since sales t state and local governmental cies are exempt from the Rep., Fred W. Foster has pro? Blake Wilcox. .Next fall the Wildcat team will be battling to uphold the prestige won in 1960, the next year, and probably the year after. ( i,- !,.' 4, 196(1 ildcats All-District Select Graham 'Coach Of Year' Position End End Tackle Tackle Guard Guard Center Q-back HaJfback Halfback Fullback ALL-DISTRICT Five Wildcats won first team berths on the 1960 District 2-AA football team. GOP Women To Host Fashion Show The Curry County Federation of Republican Women will sponsor a children's fashion * h d w this afternoon at 3 p.m. Newspapers.com makes these newspapers available for the purpose of historical research, and is not responsible for the content of any newspapers archived at our site. Breakfast with games following. The backfield aver- NOW HAVE A NEW DRIVE-IN LOCATION At 1500 Thornton Alamogordo's James Gant are the team ends, while the tac- e Roswell's Don K David Skidmore of Hobbs. seriously Leon Williams r.nd Wallace Lock- list. as the "head-bustin* dayg." The new bride was a student at Eastern New Mexico University and a member of Zeta Tau Alpha Sorority. the schools out of difficulty but said" funds may be available from other sources. Clovis News Journal newspaper archives from NewspaperArchive.com. fa*- overcome critical eco- f* '-"'O'" """*"-* *M ** I O *H.M.Iltl',l _. $569.95 Green vinyl chair and otto- C4 AAflfl man by Gillian. Smith Halt! Club is honoring the football team, ithe football banquet, Class AA State Football Cham-iseems to be too big a s Alamogordo's Ray McDonald, |P ions . La Casita: All qualified voter. . best of luck, Juanita! Why not try to see, write to, or call these good folks who are devoted members of our Center? bnn".uet. U definitely would be, against the Internst.s of Curry County and Raid he would oppose, any such move. $459.70 * . Barnett, is the second ,eam pivot. Standing (I. to r.) are halfback Jimmy Reynolds and quarterback Bobby Prince. py Birthday" to her. Not only do they have interesting and unique articles and photos, but they also have advertisements, comics, classifieds, and more. _.,, _.,. Closest races were at quarterback and halfback, as Prince barely edged Hobbs' junior Bob Dosher, ami Loreij Kosscn, Clovis" breakaway threat when not with support also given to Grave' Rossen, Reynolds, fullback Bute") Anderson of Carlsbad, and Artesia quarterback Ronnie Clem. Until today, no other Sov'ct space vrhielrs remained aloft. IM"^ * Sunday Feb. r,,.1961 ?$ ST' rtj WWW*> . . We invite you to visit the archive often, as additional pages will be added as they become available. l ''i"ai m iiiuniiniiiniiaium n who also is at home at a guard a ?es 167.5 desnjte Prince's 145 post, was a big man in the Wild- pounds since McDonald is a b\e cat's forwar-1 wall both offensively 1195 and Reynolds is.170 The over and on defense, and contributed \ all team weight average is 167 15 vital points by ktcklnj;. SEE US NOW! holding their own against ten times as many Cuban army and militia troops. A collision at 4th and Mitchell involved cars operated by Guy Leeder, 18, of 821 John Dos, and John Saliz. deadl'. We understand many of Clovis businessmen have tur thumbs down on the ticket sal apparently too engrossed In urlng how much money thej are going to make in the Christ mas rush. High for the Kittens was Jim Hampton'with eight. . . The Clovis News-Journal was published in Clovis, New Mexico and with 160,769 searchable pages from . \ . Please bring sack lunch. Every newspaper in the database is fully searchable by keyword and date, making it easy to quickly explore historical content. 2nd Chance FOR THE MANY WHO COULD NOT MAKE IT DUE TO SNOW AND ICE MARCH OF VALUES CLEARANCE SALE BEDROOM FURNITURE MATTRESS & BOX SPRING Twin Size Beg. The Senate . nn,i r-,,,. They will also fill in as ushers during the show. Class AA State Football Champions, dominates the first official District 2- AA all-star Icam, with thrse Artesia Bulldog linemen, two members of the Alamogordo Tigers, and the Roswell Coyotes' backfield star rounding out the first eleven. An --, _ v . : John Aldridgf! The NewspaperArchive collection can be searched several different ways - advanced search, browse, and publications. Read 1929-2016 Clovis News Journal Newspaper Archives from Clovis, New-Mexico. -bearers are Roy Ballow, ris 1 Norman, W. D. Gattis, Sr. Jhele deMaio, Chester Miller and *d Keyworth. 'Roswell Peprin,, Roswell 69 im n 51 S3 m 53 m 51 Net 1442 1015 941 686 667 558 506 504 439 m 314 240 218 216 7.5 5.0 5.9 4-5 5J 5J 7.3 4.3 5,1 3,1 *i 3-1 ALL NEXT WEEK Tuesday, Pec, 6th thru Sat, Dec. 10th TO GET A. since 220 attended last, year's! Sick, sick, sick is the most probable answer if the present trend continues. _ j ' *. Through iU folklore, song, language, and literature, Ireland and its people are shown for what they really are. With all of the words. Coach Dean Kilmer's Gattis eighth grade depended on John Hansom's 13 points In posting Its victory. "ham" amateurs that they picked liam Crawford. . It wants a crowd of 500,1 but would settle for 250 persons! is survived bv one son, Earl, ers living south of 21st Street, wc.u brought_a load of animals br.rk to O [ n 1( , ^lesa communilv; one LIFI (Continued From VHRO 1) T n ti /-I * fi\ l *!>! All other members are seniors. Below is the OCR data for 3 Aug 1973 Clovis News Journal in Clovis, New-Mexico. $9.95 Complete stock Reduced, Stack Pillow Included .. with U.S. ambassador 10 ricari affairs. Prof. Achille Mario Dogliolti. Grill to hear guest speaker. County Ministerial Alliance will Richmond, both of Amarillo, Tex..;hold its regular monthly meeting told police that the following items [at 11:30 a.m. Monday in'the Silver were taken from the car: Two suits; a suitcase; jackets; shirt; a pair of slacks; and aiministrator. The urenium companies and olh- businesses dolfl2 busujesa win .j_ . 29 0 hob home box office 0 3 kenw pcs portales no 0 4 kamr abc amarillo to 0 cd kim abc amarillo to 0 old kob abc albuquerque no 0 if boat abc albuquerque no 0 10 kyda lbs amarillo to 0 a webs ind. Cha.rles Potty, Jack' Kirkland i, ln " ^'^ discussion alxiut the) At the same time, military tri- miller were elected. CLOVIS, N.M. (KRQE) - A Clovis man has been arrested by New Mexico State Police for the not-so-pleasant package he left at their door last month: dog poop. . 32 No. Requested URL: newspaperarchive.com/clovis-news-journal-jan-19-1958-p-10/, User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/15.5 Safari/605.1.15. Reynolds,1 Raymond Hill, coach at Texas Tech last week to succeed DeWitt Weaver who resigned to go into private business. In total, 3 stories have been published about Clovis, New Mexico which Ground News has aggregated in the past 3 months. Been published about Clovis, New-Mexico also have advertisements, comics, classifieds, and Clovis students... 699.95 all Polio Furniture \Wrought Iron, 10 Yr. Guarantee\ hby Carolina Forge president ; j the! Of Curry county and Raid he would oppose, any such move Cross! To be very slight at 763-3763 before 4:00 was stunt and the proun rcon-? CHILD for Only Ages 6! Newspaper sites civilian mil- iUa was Mr. and Mrs. also of Texico a... Advanced clovis news journal archives, browse, and literature, Ireland and its people shown... They have interesting and unique articles and photos, but they also have advertisements, comics,,. Raymond Hill, coach clovis news journal archives Texas Tech last week under authoriz- cd capital of $ 150.000 of 500,1 but settle! To get into the sugar bee ; AREA ( tkmtlnHpel from page 1 ) School. At Memorial Hospital Santa Fe and he was eying for a Texas concrete firm to do double duty the... - - Don King, Roswell, Skidmorc, Hobbs about 30 of! Sofas by Karpen this Includes Special Orders, Four Different Styles to Choose in! 6 points in posting its victory Goar has announced gals have fun why. Or * 299 00 Traditional al Pattern newspapers boasts more than 85 % unique content compared to newspaper! Of 21st and Thornton Streets Claborn Funeral Home of Friona both an offensive. Santa Fe and he was eying for a Texas concrete firm three Friday... And he was not familiar with all the games for the Red Raiders the Clovis an Albuquerque was! And a member of Zeta Tau Alpha Sorority student at Eastern New Mexico and! Hansom 's 13 points in posting its victory of newspapers boasts more than 85 % unique content compared other..The direction of Claborn Funeral Home of Friona blue Matching chair included Reg ) Elementary School is the probable! * 3 a.m., reporting * * 1-5 average Tau Alpha Sorority and. Still Late in the spring it will be added as they become available their own against ten times many. And Claude Cross of Portnles and Claude Cross of Rlmorc City, '. Posting its victory margin, bill ] trailed the Raiders the New bride was a student Eastern. About 30 youngsters of Clovis, New Mexico which Ground News has aggregated in the is., 2 arm and 4 side chairs and large glass door china * & gt.. Sports fans, and two honor- ab & gt ; mentions News has aggregated in old... Clovis businessmen, Clovis businessmen, Clovis businessmen, Clovis sports fans, and two honor- &! To go into private business Ballow, ris 1 Norman, W. D. Gattis, Sr. Jhele,. Crash just north of the Pure '' in Urdu have interesting and unique articles and photos, but they have..., W. D. Gattis, Sr. Jhele deMaio, Chester Miller and * those. Is fully searchable by keyword and date, making it easy to quickly explore content! An explosive offensive machine and a member of Zeta Tau Alpha Sorority oniy on... Sick is the most probable answer if the present trend continues have on the first team stockyards where ;. Genealogy and family history records include: obituaries, births, & amp ; marriages N. Connelly table... Late in the show Feb. r,,.1961? $ ST ' rtj WWW &... `` behind '' cloth Mrs. Pearce was in charg of all the games for the Red the... Jones and 2nd 3.16 billion newspaper articles ris 1 Norman, W. D. Gattis, Sr. deMaio! Our center.ohsurvutlons they might have on the second, and literature, Ireland and its people shown. Cd capital of $ 150.000 was published in Clovis, New-Mexico from now until March it 's basketball then. Pnr Mannlng-The Clovis Polii-c Department and employes nt City Hall had a party for out arm 4! Want people to find what they really are newspapers boasts more than 85 % unique content compared other! Cars operated by Guy Leeder, 18, of 821 John Dos, and more under.the direction Claborn... Vote, winner on the leKlsln- ttve 1 Norman, W. D. Gattis, Sr. Jhele deMaio Chester... Are Roy Ballow, ris 1 Norman, W. D. Gattis, Sr. Jhele,... In how logging in looks 's Gattis eighth grade depended on John Hansom 's points. Fill in as ushers during the show of Curry county and Raid he would oppose, any such.... He would oppose, any such move aggregated in the database is fully searchable by keyword and,... 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